Chapter 31

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(I'm sorry but I have to say this but I recently saw this pic (not the pic up there) of Oliver and Len... I can't explain it but they had 'white' stuff all over there faces and yea...this book will probably be reported if I show you...if you do wanna see and die of fangirling then PM me! I'll send you the link since Wattpad messenger sucks affffff)

3rd POV~

"Ahhhhh, such a tiring night~" Miku sighed in exhaustion while clasping on the couch. She tilted her head back, letting it rest into the comfy pillow.

"I know right? I never knew the boys would be so tiring when they're drunk! Heck they're even tiring when sober!" Rin yelled, while plopping onto the floor. "I thought we would be able to stay up more late and watch a movie and eat snacks..."

"You know the snacks are gone?" Meiko suddenly popped up, taking a seat at the corner of the couch onto the floor.


"Yea while we were busy somehow Haku got drunk and ate all the snacks." Meiko stared at the passed out Haku who was laying at the corner of the room passed out with empty bags of chips and empty sake bottles.

"Well this was a disaster." Rin sighed.

"Finally he went to sleep..." SeeU mumbled while slowly walking down the stairs. She looked up, her face showing that she was clearly fatigued. "oh you're all here."

"Well not all of us, Gumi-chan and (Y/N)-chan are still up there."

Miku shot up, her hair a bit messy and fuzzy. "no Gumi is in the kitchen...she's stress eating right now..."

"Oh well that leaves (Y/N)-chan then..."

Miku eyes suddenly widened. "wait (Y/N)-chan went to take Oliver-kun to bed..." She paused before gasping. Instantly she jumped up and sprinted to the guests room.

"W-wait! Miku! D-don't wake up Piko!" SeeU pleaded, it took an entire hour for Piko to finally sleep and to stop crying. SeeU defiantly didn't want to deal with that again.

Miku ran past all the guests room until she reached it, she quickly pressed her ear against the hard wood, checking for any movement or sounds. She then slowly opened it peaking in with wide teal eyes.

Miku quickly covered her hand with her hands, holding it shut tightly. "MMMMMMMMM!" Miku hummed in excitement, she tried to conceal her fangirling scream.

"W-what's going on?" Rin whispered before looking over Miku's shoulder. Miku walked in a bit further letting the other girls peek in.

"they're.sleeping.together.and.they're.cuddling.and.they'" Miku whispered without hesitating one bit.

"They look so cute!" Gumi gushed.

"Aww they didn't f-" SeeU slapped Meiko's head.

Suddenly a snap was heard. All the girls turned to where the sound was directed to which it was Miku. Who was now taking pictures. "what?" Miku blinked in confusion. "I'm just taking pictures." Miku shrugged as if it wasn't creepy.

"Taking pictures of two people sleeping? Aren't you creepy enough?" Meiko placed her hands on her hips awaiting for an answer.

"Well this is for my personal use. You know, I can actually make a book! I have so many pictures that I don't even know what to do with?!"

"You take stalking to the next level...."

"What? I'm just a simple shipper, that's all. And don't look at me like that Rin-chan! I've seen you do the same! Taking pictures of (Y/N)-chan and Len-kun!" Miku stuck her tongue out.

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