Chapter 2

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Lance POV

"And I don't know yours lets leave it at that" the short brunette said as she walked out the school doors. Just as I was about to go after her my two best friends came. " Dude I have got to tell you about this girl who was in my class today."  My best friend Ricardo says as him and my other best friend Thomas walk over to me. I grab my things and me and my friends start walking out the door.Ricardo was telling us about the girl in his class but I wasn't listening because for some odd reason I can't stop thinking about the short brunette. She seems like an cool person to get to know but she doesn't like me and I don't know why. When me and the guys got to Ricardo's house we started our homework. " Why do we always come to my house. Why don't we ever go to you or Thomas's house." Ricardo said. "Because your mom makes some amazing food." I said laughing and Thomas started laughing with me. " That's true" Ricardo said and started laughing with us.

15 minutes later

"Bye" Thomas said walking out the door. Ricardo then turned to me, which made me kinda scared because he was staring at me. "So.... who was that girl you were talking to?" Ricardo asked. "Huh" I asked even though I was sure he was talking about the short brunette. "Lance don't play games. You know who I'm talking about. The one you were flirting with in the hallway." Ricardo stated. I jumped, mentally of course, I didn't know he was there. Did he hear the conversation. I don't know. "Hey...Lance" Rico said pulling me out of my thoughts. "I wasn't flirting with her. She doesn't even like me. I don't exactly know why though." I said "She is new right? She probably knows of guys like you. Or maybe shes heard of you and your rep." "Oh. That makes sense." I said coming to realization. "You don't like her do you." Ricardo asked coming closer to me. "No" I said backing away. A dude needs his space. "Cool cause you have a girlfriend, who you are going to be in a long term relationship with." Ricardo said "Actually I'm breaking up with her" I said. " Why?" he asked. "Because I caught her making out with some jock. " I said. "Today that happened?" Rico asked me. "Yeah. I'm gonna break up with her tomorrow before school." I said getting up and going towards the door. Ricardo grabbed my wrist. "Are you okay?" he asked while letting go of my wrist. "Yeah I'll be fine" I said and walked out of the house.

It's 1 am and I can't sleep. I've been thinking about my cheating girlfriend and the short brunette. Why did I even start dating Vanessa. I mean she's cute and all but she's kinda full of herself and I hate girls like that. Rico and Thomas's girlfriends are like that too. I've dated plenty of girls like that and they all seem the same to me. My first ever girl friend made me who I am. I was really into her and she seemed to really like me too. On our 1 year anniversary we were going to meet in the gym at school. I was bringing her roses when I caught her kissing another dude. She was shallow and extremely full of herself and on that day I vowed to myself I would fall to deep for a girl just in case they were to hurt me again. I've had girls cheat on me and it doesn't hurt to bad and even if it did no one would know because I hide my feelings from everyone and anyone. I can't get this short brunette out of my head. I don't know what it is about her but she is stuck in my brain. She is mysterious but is captivating. I look at my phone and it says 2 am. I decided to go for a walk in the park. As I'm walking I bump into someone .
"Ow" I say holding my head on the floor. I look up and see her.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now