Chapter 25

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Brea's POV
" I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of junior year." Jade says squealing in my ear. " I won't be able to hear anything if you keep squealing like that." I say putting my finger in my ear trying to make myself hear better. " Jade, why are you so excited about school? It sucks." Thomas asked rolling his
eyes. " Well I wanna be captain of the cheer leading squad." She said looking at Ricardo. " Why exactly do you wanna be the captain of the cheer leading squad?" Cree asked her. Before she could answer Ricardo answered for her. " She thinks that because I wanna be the captain of the football team she thinks she has to be the captain of the cheer leading squad because the captain of the football team and the captain of the cheer leading squad have to date." He says rolling his eyes. " But you guys are already dating so what does it matter if you are captain of the cheer leading squad." I say looking at Jade with furrowed eyebrows. " That's how it is in all highschool romance movies and books." She says shrugging her shoulders. " Our lives are not movies." Lance says to her while shaking his head. " Well I know that but I don't care. My new goal is to become captain of the cheer leading squad." She says with a proud look on her face. I rolled my eyes at her then everyone started laughing. We were sitting in Thomas bedroom because the boys wanted to play video games. Me and the girls were bored out of our minds and the boys didn't want us to leave. " Can we leave? You guys are not entertaining us in any way possible." I say while getting up. " No, don't leave. What do you want to do?" Lance asked me. I looked at the girls and we immediately knew what we wanted to do. "The mall." We say at the same time. The boys groan. We know they hate going to the mall with us but we don't really care. " No, we are not going to the mall." Ricardo says. " And why is that." Cree asked clearly annoyed. " Because everytime we go to the mall our credit cards get maxed out." Thomas says pointing to him and the boys. " You guys never buy anything. So if we're going, you guys pay for your own shit and we pay for ours." Lance says while nodding his head. " Fine." I say rolling my eyes. At least they agreed to go.
When we got to the mall we all had one mission, and that was to not max out our credit cards. That would be really hard for Jade because she wants to buy everything. Luckily she has me and Cree to keep her in check. " Can we go inside Forever 21?" Jade asks. That was her favorite store. We would spend hours in there. Not gonna lie though it is a good store and I like shopping in there. We went in there for a good hour and then we were out. We then went to Urban Outfitters for 45 minutes because Jade wanted to go to Victoria's Secret. I hate that store. It makes me wanna puke. I felt nauseous being in the store so I left and went to Bath and Body Works. I bought like ten candles. It was so relaxing until Jade walked in screaming. I hid in a corner so she wouldn't see me. She left and I walked out and caught up to them. "Where in the hell were you?" Jade asked half-yelling at me. Cree looked pretty annoyed as well. "I was obviously in that store." I say smirking. "Do not be smart with me." Jade says trying to be serious but can't help smiling. "I didn't wanna be in that nauseating store. " I say crossing my arms. "It's not nauseating. " she said mimicking my actions. "To you. " I mumbled. She didn't hear me. We all then left and went to the food court. We thought the guys would be there. They were. We all ate pizza. Then we were off. We went to a couple more stores before meeting in front of the car. "Did you guys complete the goal. We didn't." Thomas said pointing to him and Lance. But him over there failed miserably. " Thomas said pointing to Ricardo . "We also didn't fail." I said pointing to me and Cree. " But her over there failed miserably." I said mocking Thomas. We all laughed at how both Rico and Jade failed. We then got in the car. Lance was driving so I sat in the front seat. While we were in the car we jammed out to a bunch of our favorite artists. We also stopped to get a bunch of stuff for school tomorrow. The guys dropped us all at our own houses. When I got home I hugged my mom and went upstairs to my room. I immediately picked out my outfit for school tomorrow from the stuff I brought. I surprisingly can't wait for school tomorrow. I most likely won't feel the same way tomorrow at 5:00 in the morning when my alarm goes off. Or maybe I will. I then go into the bathroom and take a shower. After I change I  sit on my bed and pull out my secret box of Oreos. I then watch Netflix until I get tired. The exact minute I get comfy and start to doze off I receive a text from Jade.
Hey can't sleep wanna talk.
No I wanna sleep
Plz only for a little
Last time you said that we stayed up all night.
Plz Cree is already asleep
Did you try your boyfriend
Yes he is also asleep
We talked for a little then Jade got tired and went to sleep. After I went to sleep and had the best dreams.

Lance's POV
I was laying in bed when it was about midnight. I couldn't sleep. I was just thinking about everything that happened this summer. Everything we went through. Everything we survived. It's amazing. I don't know what I would've done if we never found them. I probably still wouldn't give up. I don't know what I would've done if Brea had never given me a chance. I probably would still be a player. What if we never met them. I don't know what I would've done then. I know that I love Brea and that I always will. And the thought of me never meeting her just makes me sad. I love her to much to think of never meeting her. I then sat up and pick up my phone. I think of calling her and telling her I love her and always will but she is probably sleeping. Then I think of texting her but she is a light sleeper and I don't wanna wake her up. Then I think of going to her house and since her window is unlocked I can sneak in wake her up and tell her. Then I have the perfect idea. I get up and walk over to my desk. I open my laptop and start typing.

Lances Plan of Love
Part one
Cree and Jade will come with me two Kay Jewelers. 
They will help me pick out a promise ring.
Cree, Jade and I will set up a fort filled with pictures of me and her.
I will set up her favorite snacks.

Part two
I will pick her up and blindfold her.
I will take her to the lovers mountain.
I will walk her to the fort.
I will take the blindfold off.
I will take her inside and we will talk and laugh.
I will then tell her everything and give her the  promise ring.

I then close my laptop and lay back down on my bed.   I decide this will all happen on Saturday. But I decided that on Friday Cree and Jade are gonna come with me to buy the ring. By now it is about 3 in the morning. I get tired and I go to sleep smiling at my plan and the fact that I actually love someone.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now