Chapter 16

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Jade's POV
I was in the boys room with Cree. I felt bad for leaving Brea in the room so I decided that we go back in the room and maybe go out and hang for a bit since all we've been doing is making out with boyfriends. Me and Cree walk into the room and I see Brea and Lance sitting on the bed cuddling together. I go over and pull Brea away. " Sorry to ruin the moment but we need to talk to our best friend. " I say as I pull Brea away and Cree pushes Lance out the room. " Hey I need my key card." Lance says while banging on the door. Cree rolls her eyes and garbs the key card and slides it under the door.
" Thanks." he said. Me and Cree run to the bed and ask Brea to spill the beans.
" omg Brea did you get over what ever you were feeling before?" Cree ask her eagerly.
" Yea are you feeling comfortable with him now?" I ask jumping up and down on the bed.
" Jade sit down so I can tell you what happened." she says rolling her eyes. I sit down waiting for her to start talking.
" okay so...when you and Cree left, Lance came in and tries to give me a hug but I back away because ya know." She says looking down at her fingers. " yeah keep going."Cree says her eyes nearly popping out of her head. " Anyway we just talked for a bit and we hugged but after a couple of seconds I look up and see Daniel's face and I push him away. Then I start crying after that he sits on the bed and I put my head on his shoulder and that's when you guys come in." She says while shrugging her shoulders. I look at her with a questioning look.
" So are you comfortable with having the boys near you again?" I ask looking at her with anticipation.
" Well I'm not fully comfortable but I think I can get used to it." She says with a shy smile on her face. Me and Cree start jumping up and down and squealing. I'm so happy Brea is getting over this. I know how much this must be killing her inside. I hope this is gonna be as easy as I hope.

Brea's POV
Me and the girls decided to go the Beach The boys wanted to come so we let them. When we got to the beach I decide to stay out of the water for a while. I was sitting down listening to music and watching my friends play in the water. I close my eyes for like five seconds when I see Lance waking towards me. I smile at him and he smiled back. He sits down next to me.
" Hey. What's up." He asks me. I look at him with a confused look on my face. " Why are you asking me that?" I say with a chuckle. He furrows his eyebrows.
" So I can't ask you what's up now?" he says with a smirk. " I never said that. I'm with you so you already know what I'm doing so you didn't have to ask." I say rolling my eyes. We just laugh for a couple of seconds until I see a familiar figure. I stop laughing and get up to go look to see what it is. Lance calls after me but I keep walking. When. Close enough to the figure I see it's Kale with some dude and two adults a woman and a man I'm guessing are there parents. I get a closer look at the dude that was standing next to her. I gasped when I saw who it was. Daniel? How could this be how is he getting bailed out everytime. Isn't whoever bailed him out supposed to be in jail? Are they bribing people to keep him out of jail? Wait. Is he Kale's brother. I hear the women tell Kale to go grab something with her brother. So that is her brother. How come she wasn't at the old school. Whatever that's not important right now. Daniel and Kale are here...together. Hopefully they don't know we're here.  Just as I'm about to turn around my eyes meet with theirs. They start walking over to me my first instinct is to run which is what I do. I bump into Lance. He looks worried and he should be. " We have to go now!" I say trying to make him move. " What? Why? What happened?" he ask grabbing my arms to keep me still. I look back to see how far they are. They're getting closer. I look back at Lance and I see He's looking where I was looking earlier. He garbs my arm and takes me back to our spot. " put everything back in the bags and wait for me. I'm gonna go get everyone." I look at him and nod. He runs across the beach as I get everyone's stuff together. When I'm done I hold my bag in my hand. I look around to see how far Kale and Daniel are. I see them and there really close. I feel my eyes start to well up in tears. I hear someone call my name and suddenly I'm running to the car. I look back and see Kale and Daniel running after us. We get to the car and we are speeding down the road. " what is going on? How did they even know we would be here?"  Jade asks me. I don't answer. My eyes are burning and I have a major headache. At this point I don't even want to deal with this anymore. I just want it all to be over. I snap out of my thoughts. And look around. The car is not moving and I'm wondering why. I look at Lance who is about to get out of the car. " we're leaving." he tells me. I'm confused but then again. I want to leave to. We can't just leave Hawaii because our plane doesn't leave until three weeks from now. So I'm guessing we're going to a different hotel just in case they followed us. I decided not to go in the hotel because I wanted to keep watch. My friends thought I was crazy for wanting to stay out here. Ricardo volunteered to stay with me. I didn't mind it though. He was like a brother I could talk to.
" woah bri, what's wrong?" he asked me with worried eyes. I didn't understand at first until he wiped some tears from my eye. That's when I realized I was crying. Ricardo quickly wrapped his arms around me which me cry even harder. I felt like I would faint from all this crying. 
" Rico..." I say but he cuts me off. " shhhhh don't say anything." I sigh in his chest and let out some more hard sobs.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now