Chapter 9

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Brea's POV
It's been about a week since Lance asked me out. My friends keep telling me to say yes. They want me to date him cause they already started dating Ricardo and Thomas.
" Brea come on" Jade says begging me to say yes already.
" You know you want to say yes to him. Just do it already." Cree says rolling her eyes.
" Ugh. Fine, I'll do it." I said with a smile on my face. I'm so happy I'm gonna finally tell him my answer. I've had it for awhile. I just wasn't sure. But now I am. Lance has been such a good guy over the past week. That really showed me how much I want to be with him. I'm gonna tell him tomorrow at lunch that I want to be with him. This is gonna be great.
At lunch
We sat at our regular table but the boys were here. They sat here now cause they are dating Cree and Jade. Lance kept looking at me. I decide I was gonna do it now. I was about to tell him when some girl came over and pulled him away from the table. I was surprised but I waited for them to come back. They took awhile so I decide to go look for them and of course my friends wanted to come plus their boyfriends who were now my friends too. We walked around for a bit. That's when I saw them. They were holding hands and she was about to kiss him. He let go of her hands I figured he was gonna pull her in but before he could do anything I spoke.
" You promised" and with that I was out of the hall way quicker then I can remember. I grabbed my things from the lunch table and was headed towards my car when someone grabbed my arm. It was Lance.
" What do you want" I said really angry.
" Brea just here me out. Please." He said begging me to stop and listen. I didn't want to but I kinda did. I wanted to know if he was really gonna kiss her. So we walked to his car and we talked.
" Lance hurry up. I can leave any second now so start talking." I said frustrated.
" Ok, so that girl was my ex. She pulled me away trying to get back with me. I denied her cause I wanted to be with you. Plus she cheated on me. So she grabbed my hands trying to convince me. That's when she started leaning in which I'm guessing is when you came. I let go of her hands getting ready to push her away but you said something and I knew that you thought something was going on and I promise nothing is going..." I cut him off by kissing him. We started kissing in the back of his truck. When we stoped my cheeks were super red and he noticed. He was a good kisser. At least from my experience. I looked at him and he was smiling a big smile which caused me to smile. I love it when he smiles. He got out of the truck and helped me out too. We started walking back to the lunch room to tell our friends the good news. When we got inside the school we realized that lunch was over.
" Oh, Is lunch over?" I said while looking around the school.
" Uhh I guess so." He said shrugging his shoulders. After looking around we found our friends. They saw me and Lance holding hands and their jaws dropped. Jade and Cree came running up to us. They gave Lance a hug then they got serious.
" If you ever hurt Brea I'm gonna kill you." Jade said glaring about him.
" And I will also kill you." Cree said also glaring. I just started laughing at how serious they looked and the look in Lances face.
" Well if I'm already dead how are you gonna kill me again?" Lance said raising an eyebrow at Cree.
" Aye, no questions are gonna be asked. Just know that you will die twice." Cree said stepping up to him.
" Ok I think I get the point." I said backing away to his friends. We all just started laughing.
" Hey don't threaten my boyfriend." I said with a big smile. Wow I can actually say that now. It feels good.
I just hope I don't get hurt again. School went on as normal and at one point Lance's ex girlfriend started glaring at me. I was guessing it was because me and Lance were holding hands. I quickly let go of Lance's hand and he looked at me worried like he was asking, "What's wrong?"but with his face. I looked at his ex and he just rolled his eyes at her. He was looking straight at her. I was wondering what he was gonna do. Then he grabbed my hand. I was worried that his ex would come over and hit me. I'd obviously hit her back. A minute passed and she was still staring at us. Lance just held my hand tighter. Finally she stopped staring at us and I felt way more comfortable.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now