Chapter 8

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Brea's POV
" Why don't you like me? Did I do something?" Is what he said before I started to get nervous. Why was I nervous. It was just a question. I can answer it simply. Right? He was looking at me seriously. I couldn't look at him.
" Brea please answer the question." He said with a sad look on his face.
" I....uhh.... Lance it's not that I don't like you. It's just that...." I said stopping in the middle of my sentence.
" Its just that what Brea. Come on. I can take it. He said with an anxious look on his face.
" I'm.....I'm scared. There I said it." I said feeling embarrassed.
" scared. Scared of what. What is there to be scared of." He said looking confused.
" you're a player and I dated a player before and it didn't end well." I said remembering Daniel.
" Is this about that Daniel dude. Brea I'm not like him." He said trying to convince me.
" Yes you are you guys are both players and all you do is break girls hearts without even caring!" I said practically yelling.
" Brea I won't hurt you like he did. What did he do anyway that it is this bad?" He asked wanting to know more about Daniel.
I sighed. " He was my boyfriend for about a year. I knew what he was but I didn't care. He seemed so charming like he actually cared about me. Clearly I was wrong. I said looking down.
" What did he do?" He said wanting to know more.
" I found him in the halls of our old school kissing another girl on our 2 year anniversary. When he noticed I was looking he didn't even care. He just kept kissing her in my face. He literally smirked at me." I said tears forming in my eyes.
" Brea, I would never hurt you like that. Trust me. It's usually the girls cheating on me. He said with a chuckle. He was trying to cheer me up.
" Thanks Lance but I don't want to get hurt again. I want to believe you but it's hard. I said my voice cracking. He scooted closer to me.
" Brea please just give me a chance to prove myself. I promise I will never ever hurt you like he did." He said wiping a tear from my cheek.
" I..... I need time" I said looking at my hands.
" I'll give you as much time as you need." He said with a smile.

Lance's POV
She said she will give me a chance. I'm so happy. I've never been this happy to date a girl before. What will I do now. Hopefully she doesn't take to long to make a decision. I can't believe that Daniel dude treated her like she was trash. I just..... I just want to punch him in the face for treating her like that. If she says yes I promise never to treat her like that.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now