Chapter 33

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Brea's POV
It's been 7 months and things are going great. People at school are really helpful and kind. The girls are planning a baby shower for me and I can't wait to go.   It's also a gender reveal party. Lance and Cree are the only people that know. Jade would've known to but she's bad at keeping secrets.
When I frost told my mom about my pregnancy she were disappointed in me. She said that I should've been more careful and I completely agree, but what's done is done and I can't turn back the clock. She eventually warmed up to the baby and is super excited to be a grandma. I'm scared to have this baby. I know it's gonna be really hard to care for this baby. I'm gonna need as much help as I can get.
I wake up the next morning ready to find out the gender of my baby and have fun at the baby shower. I've been feeling pains in my stomach but they go away soon after. There not close together at all so I'm not to worried about them. I'm only 7 months anyway.
I take a quick shower and put my maternity clothes on. I go down stairs and eat the breakfast Lance prepared for me. " Good morning babe and baby." Lance says walking around the counter and kissing me on the lips. " Good morning." I say taking my last bite. " Did you like it?" Lance ask wrapping is arms around my belly. " Yes I did. Thank you." I grab his hands and slowly get of the chair. Lance walks me to the couch and I plop down on it. "It's hard being pregnant." I say to him. " I know." He sighs. I look at him confused. " How would you know, Lance. You've never been pregnant." I say rolling my eyes. " Well having a pregnant girlfriend is hella hard. So I'd like to believe that being pregnant is just as hard." He nods his head firmly and I laugh at his comment.
He's been so helpful since he's found out about the baby...and very protective of me. He thinks I will crush into a billion pieces if I'm out of his site.
After hours of just talking and laughing about anything and everything, it's finally time to go to the baby shower. Lance gets my things and puts them in the car,even though I told him I could get it my self. I get in the car. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I got in the car. I shouldn't do that. I don't think it's good for the baby.
We finally make our way to the baby shower and it looks great. It's decorated with blue and pink balloons and ribbons. On of the tables is filled with food and the other is filled with gifts. I walk over to food table and take out a plate. " Your hungry already?" Lance comes and stands next to me. " Os there a problem, sir?" I ask sitting down at the table. " No, not at all." He says sitting next to me. " Lance, come help me." Cree calls Lance over to a big box. I guess that's how there gonna tell the gender of the baby. I finish my food and wait for more people to come. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I hold my stomach to try and ease the pain. It eventually goes away but I'm starting to get a little worried. It's happening more frequently now.
After everyone was here it was time to know the genders. " Brea, just stand here." Cree moves me behind the box. Lance stands next to me. I'm so excited. I want a girl but Lance wants a boy.
I pull open the box and pink balloons come flying out. " It's a girl!" I shout and turn to hug Lance.
" Yup." He kisses me on my lips. " Are you disappointed?" I ask him. " No, I didn't really care about the gender. Yes, I wanted a boy but I'm gonna love this baby girl just as much." I melt at his words. I feel exactly the same. No matter the gender I would love the baby with all my heart. " Ok, it's time for presents!" Jade shouts. " I had a feeling it would be girl." She says walking to the gifts table. I stand behind the table with Lance and open the first present.
During the gift opening I felt a huge pain in my stomach. I can't deny this anymore. It's contractions and I need to go to the hospital. " Babe, what's wrong?" Lance holds me and rubs my back gently. " I need to go to the hospital." I say holding my stomach and trying to get from behind the table. " Now? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! The baby's coming!" He shouts everyone gasps and start moving things around for me. Jade comes and helps me get to the car. " Thank god I brought the baby bag." Lance says to himself. When I get in the car, I'm try to control my breathing. Jade is great help. I don't know where she learned this from. " What about the presents?" I ask. " the guys are loading them in now." She says.
" Well can they hurry up." I say a little annoyed. Jade opens the door and shouts at the boys. They start scrambling everywhere and cloths the trunk of the car. Lance finally gets in the car and starts it quickly.
" How we holdin up?" He says pulling out of the parking lot. " Lance, just drive." I tell him. I wasn't in the mood for chit chat. I just wanted to get to the hospital.
We finally made it to the hospital. We checked in and they took me to a room. The doctor came in a few minutes later. " Well your in labor." He says like it's no big deal. " But I'm only seven months." I say with a confused look. " It can happen. Your baby is going to be premature." He says nodding his head. I didn't ask anymore questions.
After the doctor left the midwife came in. She checked how far dilated I was and how far apart my contractions were. I was seven centimeters dilated. I was happy that I wasn't far from having a baby. The contractions were getting worse and worse. I knew that I could take the epidural but I wanted to have a natural brith. I would just have to suck it up and deal with these contractions.
The contractions were getting worse and worse. I didn't want anyone to touch me or anything. I was just so uncomfortable. I was screaming and groaning in pain. Tossing and turning, trying to make it better for myself but it wasn't working. " Babe, do you want anything?" Lance ask me. He puts his hand on my back. " I want you to massage my back please." I say in a strained voice. He starts rubbing my back and start to feel a little relaxed. The midwife said that I could walk around or sway side to side. I didn't feel like walking so I decide to do the second option. After Lance finished my massage I got of the bed. I put my hands against the bed to hold myself up. Lance stood behind me and rubbed his thumbs on my lower back. It was starting to work a little and I was great full for it.
After two hours I couldn't stand it anymore. I was a mess. I was sweating like a crazy person. " It's gonna be ok, babe." Lance tries to reassure me but I'm just to out of it. I push his hand a way from my back. They checked how dilated I was and it turns out I reached ten centimeters half an hour ago. I was a little pissed off about that but at least I could finally have this baby.
When it was time to push I was completely out of it. I was in so much pain. I was regretting my decision to have a natural brith. " It's ok baby, you got this." Lance says removing the hairs from my forehead.
" You did this to me. You did this to me." I say to him. I was mad at him for getting me pregnant and making me have to endure all this pain. " I know, baby and I'm so sorry." He kisses my forehead.
I give it my best push and it wasn't even enough. " I can see the head." Lance says bopping up and down. " come on. You can do this, sweetie." My mom says on the other side of me. After more pushes I start to hear a baby crying. I let out a huge breath and start giggling. I heard a loud thump on the floor and when I looked down I saw Lance. " He fainted." I say shaking my head. " Its very normal for them to faint when the baby comes out. He'll be fine." The midwife reassure me. I nod.
I didn't get my baby right away. Because she was premature they had to make sure everything developed properly. That didn't take long and soon I had my baby girl in my arms. Lance finally got up from the floor and walked over to us. " Hey sleeping beauty." I say to him. He sighs and shakes his head.
" I can't believe I fainted." He sighs but laughs at himself. Lance goes and gets cleaned up. When he comes back he has the biggest grin on his face. " Can I hold her?" He asks. He didn't have to ask to hold his daughter. " Of course. She needs skin to skin contact with you now anyway." I say to him. He takes of his shirt and smirks at me. " Don't stare to much." I laugh and hand him the baby. " You wish." I said and watched him. He was so gently and caring with her. I felt extremely tired after all that. I looked at Lance and the baby one last time before I closed my eyes.

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