Chapter 15

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Lance's POV
Today we leave for Hawaii. Brea didn't go to school today so I'm staying with her. It's all that dip shitbDaniel's fault. She is not the same she doesn't smile as much. She is not as full of life as she used to be. But I know with time she will be as back to normal as she can be. She is still sleeping when I wake up. I decide to watch youtube videos until she wakes up. A few hours later she comes into the room and sits on the bed next to me. She smiles at me and puts her head on my shoulder. We continue to watch videos.
"I'm hungry and neither of us want to cook so can we go somewhere so I can eat something." she says pausing the video.
"Ok fine." I say and get off the bed. She gets up and goes to her room. A few minutes later she meets me downstairs and we go to IHOP. After we get home from IHOP we sit on the couch and start to watch a movie on the TV until our friends get to brea's house. I notice Brea is shaking her leg up and down. I put my hand on her leg but she moves it away quickly. I look at her confused. " Brea...are you OK?" I ask her looking worried. " Uhh y-yeah I'm fine." she says turning her head towards me. I don't believe her but I trust she will tell me what's wrong when she's ready. A few hours later our friends come. Ricardo comes to give Brea a hug but she quickly moves out of the way. " Brea. What's wrong with you?" I ask. This is the same thing she did earlier. " NOTHING IS WRONG! STOP ASKING ME!" she yells, her voice starting to break. I walk over to her, trying to see what's wrong. " Get away." she says backing away slowly. " Brea I'm not gonna hurt you." I say trying to get closer. " I don't know that. What if..." I cut her off. " what if nothing Brea. I'm not him. I won't hurt You." I say trying to reassure her. She falls to the ground and starts crying hard. I begin to walk up to her but Jade and Cree stop me. " We got this." Cree says and they kneel beside Brea and she lets them. I guess her problem is with guys. " He won't go away. Everytime I close my eyes I see him." she says between sobs. " It's like I can't get away. No matter how hard I try I can't stop feeling him touching me. I can't even let my boyfriend touch me because it reminds me of him touching me." she says crying even harder. I try to swallow the lump in my throat. Seeing her this hurt is killing me. I don't know what to do to help her. I want to just go up to her and hug and kiss her but she won't let me. Hopefully this vacation helps her a little.

Brea's POV
I'm laying in my hotel room. Jade and I share a room but right now she is making out with Ricardo in his room. I feel bad. I feel really bad. I won't let my best guy friends even come close to me. I won't even let my boyfriend touch me. All because of that son of a bitch Daniel. I hate him. I hate him so much. I have to get over this. He wanted to ruin my relationship with Lance and that's what he did. He would want this to happen. But I love Lance too much to let this take over me. I will get over this. I hear the door open and Lance comes in. I look at him and smile.
" Hey. I was just coming to check on you. Plus I knew you were in here alone so" He says looking down at the floor. " I was just about to go see what you were up to." I say with a shy smile. He walks up to me and tries to give me a hug but I back away.
" Sorry. I- I forgot." He says looking sad. I hate to see him like this. I want to hug him so bad but I'm just scared. I shouldn't be scared of him or my best guy friends. I walk up to him and I hug him. As uncomfortable as it makes me feel, I kinda like it.
" Brea. You don't have to hug me if it makes you uncomfortable." He tells me while holding on to me tightly. " I- I want to. I really do." I close my eyes and that's when I see Daniel hugging me. I pull away from him quickly but when I look I just see Lance with a worried look on his face. " B-Brea what happened?" He says with furrowed eyebrows. I feel my eyes well up in tears and sit on the bed crying.
" I can't get him out of my head. Just when I think I was getting over this there he is just tearing me to pieces." I say between sobs. I see Lance in the corner of my eye begin to walk towards me. I tense up and he notices and stops walking. I sigh at the fact that I can't even let him come close to me without tensing up. I put my hand out for him to hold. " Brea don't rush yourself. Take as much time as you want. I'll be waiting for you." He says sitting down next to me. I hesitate before I finally put my head down on his shoulder. We just sit there in silence it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable and I liked it.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now