chapter 18

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Brea's POV

It's been two days since I broke my ankle. I planned to talk to Jade and ask her what her deal was. I was walking to our room because I was out talking a walk. While I was walking I bumped into Ricardo. I almost fell but he quickly caught me. " Are you OK?" he asks me holding me tightly so I don't loose my balance and fall. " Yeah I'm fine." I smile at him. I see Jade in the corner of my eye. When she sees me she looks at me with this look like I'm gonna get you back. she goes back inside and I try to run after her but Ricardo holds me in place. " I need to go see what Jade is gonna do." He looks confused but then he lets me get on his back and takes me to our room. when we get there he puts me down and I start walking inside but I see Jade and Lance KISSING. I feel the tears well up in my eyes. " What the fuck! I can't believe you guys would do this to me and Ricardo." My eyes are stinging and i just want to run. I turn to look at Ricardo and his eyes are glossy like he was gonna cry. My boyfriend and my best friend. I never thought they would do this to me. Rico looks down at me and turns to bend down so I can get on his back. He grabs my crutches and walks out the door. " Brea wait. I can explain!" I hear Lance call after me. " Rico come on, you know I would never do this to you." he grabs Rico's arm and Rico actually stops. I'm shocked but I don't show it on my face. Rico moves his arm then starts walking again. I actually thought he would listen to what he was gonna say. I put my head down on Rico's shoulders and start crying silently to myself. I'm pretty sure Rico can hear me because he whispers its gonna be OK. I start to cry even more.

When we make it outside I ask him to put me down. He puts me down and I take out my phone to text Cree and ask her where she is.

Me: hey. Where r u. We need to talk ASAP
Cree: I'm with Thomas at the park. Y
Me: Which park. Rico and I r coming to u
Cree: Turn right from the hotel and keep walking straight. It's the first park u see. Brea what's going on. R u ok?
Me: I'll tell u when we get there.
Cree: Ok but Lance is blowing up me and Thomas' phones. So hurry and get here so u can explain what the hell is going on.
Me: yea ok I'm on my way now.
Rico looked at me then at my leg. I already knew what he was gonna ask.
" Do you want me to carry you on my back again?" He asked walking over to me. " I'm good. I don't want you to be tired." I said to him with a smile. He simply nodded and we started walking towards the park. Lance was blowing up my phone with messages and calls. Jade called me to which was really surprising. When we got to the park I saw Cree and Thomas laughing and having a great time. I didn't want to throw my problems on them. I stopped walking. Rico stopped a couple seconds after me. " Brea are you ok?" He asks me as he walks back. " I don't want to dump my problems on her." Say turning around but Cree sees me. " Brea! Come over hear." I look down and walk over to her. I wave to her and she gets up to give me a hug. " Have you been crying?" She asks with a worried look in her face. I feel the tears start coming but I'm not gonna cry I can't cry. Cree looks at me and I start crying.
" Oh my gosh Brea, what happened." She asks me leading me towards a bench for me to sit.  " Jade and Lance kissed." I say letting more tears flow from my eyes. " What! Why they do this." She asked looking at Ricardo. I could see his eyes start to well up and a tear fell but he quickly wiped it away.  I then see Jade and Lance walk running towards us. When they get here they try to say something but they are so out of breath. When they finally catch their breath they look at me then Rico then me again.  They do for what seems like forever before they start to talk. 
"BREA I'M SO SORRY. JADE CAME AND SHE ASKED ME IF I COULD DO HER A FAVOR. I SAID YES AND THEN SHE SMASHED HER LIPS ON MINE AND BEFORE I COULD PUSH HER AWAY YOU CAME AND YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR WHAT I HAD TO SAY." He blurted out so fast. I wanted to ask him to say it again but I got the point. "Jade why would you do that. I thought you were my best friend." I said tears starting to form.
" Brea, I..." I cut her off before she could finish. " I honestly don't want to hear. You kissed my boyfriend. For what to get me back?" This time she cut me off. " YES!! I wanted to get you back!" I was shocked by her words and the tears had a mind of their own. " What? What could I have possibly done to you to make you kiss my boyfriend?" I say almost out of breath. " You and Ricardo have been acting to close. And I just got jealous I guess." She said putting her hands in the air. " What, did you think that I liked him. Do you think he likes me." I was shocked when she said nothing. " I can't believe you. You think I'm trying to steal Ricardo from you. I'M DATING LANCE. Well..." I stopped when I realized what I said. " Brea, what were you gonna say?" I hear Lance ask from behind me. " I-I think we should take a break." I say feeling the tears fall down harder. " No Brea please give me a chance. I didn't kiss her." I look at him and his eyes are glossy. " Brea don't do this to him. He didn't kiss me. I kissed him. Don't break his heart for something I did." I hear Jade tell me. I turn around and find her head down. " I can't believe you would do this to me. I thought you trusted me enough to know that I wouldn't cheat on you with your best friend." Ricardo tells Jade. " Ricardo? What are you doing?" Jade tries to walk towards Ricardo but he moves. " No Jade, you clearly don't trust me." Jade cuts him off. " No no I do trust you. I trust you please don't do this." She says between sobs. " Jade maybe we should take a break. I'm not saying it will be forever but I-I just need time." He says I know this hurts him so much.
" No Ricardo please." Jade starts crying. I feel bad for her. " Jade. I'm sorry but this needs to happen. I just need some time. I don't know how much but I can't do this right now." Jade puts her down and sighs before she lets more tears fall. " I-I-I understand." Jade turns around and starts to walk away. I want to stop her but I have to deal with Lance. " Brea uhh what does this mean for us?" Lance asks me. I Look at him and walk up to him. " Lance we're not on a break. I'm still your girlfriend but." I stop trying to figure out how to say this.
" But?" He looks eager to know what I'm going to say. " but I don't fully trust you. I don't exactly know why. I know you didn't do anything but I just don't fully trust you. So it will take some time for me to trust you again." He sighs and walks up to me. He kisses my cheek and I turn to walk over to Ricardo.
" Hey. I'm here for you if you need anything. You know that right?" I ask him and lift his chin up with my thumb and pointer finger. " You know that right?" I ask him again. " Yes. Yes I know. Thanks." He chuckles and we turn to go walk over to the rest of our friends. My leg starts to hurt so Lance carries me on his back. This broken ankle thing is not so bad.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now