Chapter 6

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Brea's POV

I wake up at 12 o'clock pm, like I always do on the weekend. My friends came to sleep over. i wasn't surprised when i noticed they weren't in the room with me. They always woke up before me. I got ready and I went down stairs to greet my friends.

"Hey Brea you're up, finally" Jade said playfully rolling her eyes. We all just laughed.

"What do you guys want to do today?" I said getting bored from just watching TV all day.

"Oh, We could go to the skate park." Cree said with a huge smile on her face. I thought to myself for a bit. Cree probably only wanted to go to the skate park because Thomas would be there. If Thomas there was then Lance and Ricardo would be there too. I smiled to myself knowing Lance would be there. Did I want to see Lance? No. I couldn't he was just like Daniel.But he was nice in the park when we bumped into each other.

"Brea...Brea"  I heard my friends say trying to get me out of my thoughts. I finally got out of my thoughts and my friends were staring at me with worried looks on there faces. They must have been trying to get my attention for awhile now.I looked at them reassuring them I was okay. They smiled.

"Ready to go?" I asked and they nodded their heads.

At the skate park

we finally made it to the skate park, and just like I thought, the boys were here. I noticed that Jade started smiling.

"Jade?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"what?" she said knowing what I wanted to know. She looked at me rolling her eyes.

"I'll tell you when we get to Cree's I simply nodded my head and we started heading towards the boys. Before we even reached the boys Cree started sprinting across the park to Thomas. Me and Jade were just laughing at how funny she looked. I didn't go over to the boys. I went straight to the center of the park. I got on my skateboard and started skating. After awhile I realized that I wasn't alone. I looked to my right and saw Lance. Were we the only people in the center? I looked around. I was right. We were the only people in the center. He was smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. This was weird but I kinda liked it. Before I could snap myself out of my thoughts everything went black.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now