Chapter 19

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Jade's POV

I went to the beach after Ricardo dumping me and me and Brea's argument. Its a hour and i think I should be heading back to the hotel. I feel so bad for what I did. I know I shouldn't have kissed Lance and I know I should've trusted Ricardo that he wouldn't cheat on me with my own best friend. They are like brother and sister for crying out loud. I need to go back and apologize for what I did her and Ricardo. I know he wont take me back but I could at least say sorry for kissing another dude. And I need to say sorry to Lance for kissing him. I was almost to the hotel when I saw Brea outside alone. She saw me and just rolled her eyes and turned arond to go inside. I sighed but continued to walk to her.

" Brea, wait I wanna talk." I grab her arm. she stops and yanks it away from me. " I don't want to talk to you." why does she have to be so stubborn. " Well I know that but we need to talk so please just listen to me." she just looks at me. " please." We go into the lobby and sit down, well she sits down I'm pacing back and forth. " Please stop pacing." I stop pacing and look at her. I feel my eyes start welling up with tears. " Oh my gosh. Jade what's wrong?" I'm surprised she still cares about me. " Brea, I'm so so sorry. I should've never kissed Lance. I was just scared that Ricardo would leave me for you because you guys were acting all lovey dovey and shit. I-I-I miss you and I want us to be best friends again." I say tears falling down my face. " Jade, I would never get with your boyfriend behind your back." She says holding my hands. " I know. I ju... She cuts me off. " "Jade Ricardo loves you very much and what you did really hurt him." I sigh because I know i hurt him. " I need to go see him and say sorry." I look at her and try to go but she grabs my arm. " I don't think he wants to see you right now." She says with a sad look on her face. " Wh-What do  you mean. I know he still mad but we can at least talk right?" I can feel the tears well up in my eyes. " Well I mean we can at least try." she says with a smile. I nod and we start to head to our room. When we got there Brea she said she would go in first and try to prepare them so they wouldn't get mad. When Brea came back out she said I can come in. I'm really scared that Ricardo won't listen to me. When I went inside Cree and Thomas were sitting on the couch while Lance and Ricardo were sitting on the other side of the room. I'm guessing Brea did that so Cree and Thomas can have at least a little peace and so we can talk. I walk up to Ricardo and he looks at me then at Brea. He sighs then pats the spot next to him for me to sit down. I'm shocked at first but then I sit.
" Hey." He says turning to face me. " Ricardo I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I shouldn't have kissed Lance and I should've trusted you more. I know now that I don't have to worry about you cheating on me, especially with my best friend." I feel my eyes start to sting. There welling up with tears but I'm not gonna cry. " Jade, I forgive you. And you should've trusted me more and I hope you learn to trust the person your with in the future." What did he mean by that. Are we not getting back together again?! " Ricardo. If you want I would like you to give me another chance." I say grabbing his hands and holding them tightly. He sighs and pulls his hands away slowly.
" Jade I-I still need some time. I hope you understand." I sigh but I get it. " yea I'll give you as much time you need." I say then walk over to Lance.
" Lance I'm sorry for kissing you. I shouldn't have done it and I can promise you it won't happen again." I say feeling ashamed. I look over at Brea and she has a big smile on her face. I smile back at her but suddenly Cree and Thomas come in yelling. " Yay! You guys made up!" Cree yells and runs up to hug me. Then everyone comes and it becomes a group hug.

Brea's POV
This trip has been so fun despite our arguments and I don't want it to be over. We're packing our stuff and getting ready to leave for the airport when there was a knock at the door. We didn't expect anything so it was strange for someone to knock at the door. When I opened the door I didn't see anyone outside. I went father outside and still I didn't see anyone just as I was about to go inside someone grabbed me and covered my mouth with a rag then suddenly everything went black.

Cree's POV
I was with Thomas when I noticed Brea hadn't come in. I was starting to get worried. " Hey Thomas imma gonna go look for brea." he nods and I got outside and look for her. I was walking around for a while but I couldn't find Brea. I decided I would keep looking for a little while longer. It's been about 30 minutes and I was heading inside until someone grabbed me and covered my mouth with a rag. I was kicking and screaming but it didn't work then everything went black.

Jade's POV
It's been an hour and Cree still hadn't come back with Brea. I was getting really worried that they hadn't come back. " Hey guys I'm going to look for the girls." I tell the boys. I need to hurry because our plane is gonna leave in 3 hours. " If I don't come back then something is wrong. I have a feeling it's Kale and Daniel. Don't miss the flight keep going because if I'm right then they will take us back home, well not home but... Ugh you know what I mean." They nod. I can see Lance has a really worried look on his face. Just as I'm about to leave I hear someone call our name. I turn around and it's Ricardo. " Be careful." I nod and head out the door. I'm grabbed Brea, Cree, and my tickets so we can get on the plane when Kale and Daniel take us home. I've been walking for a while and I was about to go outside and look there. I turned around and saw Daniel walking towards me. I quickly ran and he started running after me. He quickly caught up to me. Damn he was fast. He grabbed me and put a rag over my face. I elbowed him in the stomach and he removed the rag an grabbed his stomach. I tried to run but I didn't get far. I fell on the floor and everything went black.

Brea's POV
I woke up and I had a major headache. I looked around and saw Jade and Cree. I saw Cree start to wake up then Jade. " Where are we?" I heard Jade ask. " I don't know." I said to her. Cree was desperately trying to get out of her seat but it was pointless. We were taped down with a lot of tape. I felt like I was suffocating. It was so tight. I didn't bother trying to get out but I did start screaming. Then the door opened slowly. Daniel and Kale walked in. Kale looked really pissed.
"So first  you steal my friends boyfriend now you're trying to break my ears." she says in her annoying voice. Oh wait that's her regular voice.
"Well you broke my ears the first time you talked to me." I said in a smart mouth type way.
"YOUR SO ANNOYING!!" she said stomping out of the dark room. When she came back she had a cup of water in her hands. She walked over to me and dumped it on my head. Then she did the same to Cree and Jade. Daniel just stood there laughing. Kale turned around and mouthed something to him I don't know what it was but it made him gulp and stop laughing. Daniel looks at me then smirks. I don't know what he's thinking. He looks at Kale and she nods. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! All of a sudden Daniel comes and starts taking the tape off of me. " W- what are you doing?" I ask as I look up at him. " we're going on a little trip." he says with a smirk that is devilish. After all the tape is off me he takes my arm and takes me to a room. I had a feeling what was going to happen. He closed the door and locked it. He started walking towards me. At the same time was backing up but I hit something and couldn't go any farther. When he was right in front of me he pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. I tried to push him but he wasn't moving. I started crying and screaming when he pinned my hands above my head. He started unbuttoning my jeans and was squirming and kicking so he couldn't unbutton them. " Stop moving." He said and punched me in my stomach. I felt like I couldn't breath for a little bit but I caught my breath. When he punched me I stopped moving long enough for him to unbutton my pants and pull them quickly. He put my legs up on the bed and spread them open. I was begging him to stop but he just ignored me and continued with his task. After he raped me he got mad because I was resisting and started beating me. I was naked and I was getting beaten to the pulp. When he was done he just threw my close at me and told me to get up. I got up and put my clothes on and limped back to the chair and he taped me up.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now