Chapter 34

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Brea's POV
I woke up to the sound of crying. I quickly opened my eyes and looked for the source. " Give her to me." I demanded. Lance quickly gave me the baby. " She just woke up. She's probably hungry." I nodded my head and started feeding her. " We don't have a name for her." Lance says sitting at the edge of the bed. " Well I was thinking of the name Luna." I say shrugging my shoulders. " Luna Lim. I like it." He says trying out her name. " Really?" I say. I didn't think he would agree that quickly. " Yes? Of course. Let's give her a middle name." He says excitedly. I nod my head and he starts thinking. " How about Lee?" He says. " Luna Lee Lim. L.L.L." I test the name out. " I love it." I say smiling. Lance kisses me then he kisses baby Luna. We hear a knock at the door and my mom and our friends come in the room. " Where is she? Where is my precious granddaughter?" My mom says. She spots Luna in my arms and walks over to us. She kisses my forehead then takes Luna from me. I watch my mom go sit down with Luna. I fix myself up then call my friends over. " Hey guys." I greet them. " Brea, She is the cutest baby I've ever seen." Jade says jumping up and down. " Did you guys come up with a name?" Thomas asks me. " Yes we did. Luna Lee Lim." I say to them with a huge smile. " Aww. Baby Luna." Jade gushes. " I love that name." Cree says. The boys go talk with Lance and the girls stay back and talk with me. " Are you excited?" Jade ask me. " For what?" I ask tilting my head to the side a little. " For life. You have a baby girl and it's gonna be a hell of a journey." She says. She sounds like a mother. " Yeah. I'm excited to see what the future holds for us." I say looking at Luna then at Lance. I smile at the thought of us three together.
After talking I feel really tired. My friends all had their turns in holding the baby and it was time for them to leave. " We go home tomorrow." Lance says to me. " I know. I can't wait to take Luna home and get out of this hospital." I say closing my eyes then opening them slowly. " Go to sleep. We'll talk when you wake up." Lance kisses my cheek and puts Luna in her bed.
The next morning Lance and I packed our things and headed out the hospital. When we got outside the hospital, Lance put Luna in the car and I got in and sat next to her. I buckled her little body up and did the same to myself. " You guys good back there?" Lance asks as he starts the car. " Yup." I say as I relax in my seat. During the car ride Luna started crying. " Babe, is she hungry?" Lance asks quickly turning his head before he focuses on the road.
" Well she just woke up, so yeah she's hungry." I say. I unbuckle my seatbelt and perched myself over Luna's car seat and placed my breast in her mouth. It was a really uncomfortable position to be in but Luna needed to be fed and I didn't want to take her out of her seat. I heard Lance laughing from the front seat. " What's so funny?" I ask glaring at him.
" You. You look so funny like that." He says laughing again. I roll my eyes and sit in my normal position after Luna was done feeding. Luna was a pretty calm baby. She only ever cried when she was hungry or needed something. Like a normal baby should.
We finally made it to the house and Rico and Thomas's car were here. I got out the car and Lance took Luna because he claimed it was to heavy for me. I opened the door and all of our friends jumped out and yelled 'welcome home'. " Oh my gosh! Guys, this is amazing!" I walked over and gave everyone a hug. Lance took Luna out of her car seat and walked over to us. " Aww, give me my baby!" Cree takes Luna from Lance and I laugh because she said she was her baby. " I will happily give you a baby." Thomas says shrugging his shoulders. " Not yet. I'm not ready for a child." She says shaking her head and kissing Luna on the cheek. " Come on, we can have our own little Thomas or Cree running around." Thomas rubs her back. " Thomas I already said not yet. Someday, just not now." She says giving me Luna. She kisses Thomas on the cheek then whispers something in his ear. Thomas face lights up and we all start laughing.
After everyone says there goodbyes I head up stairs and go to Luna's room. " I think it's time for some mommy daughter time, right Luna?" I say before placing Luna down on a clean blanket. I lay down next to her and start playing with her. " What are you trying to do?" I ask her. She's kicking her feet up and reaching for the air. I giggle at her little motions. Lance comes in and lies down next to us. " Uhh Lance, this is mommy and daughter time. Not mommy, daddy, and daughter time." I say playfully rolling my eyes at him. He laughs. " Well I'm crashing the party." He picks Luna up and puts her on his chest. There was no doubt that she was gonna be a daddy's girl. I scooted closer to Lance and he wrapped his free arm around me. " My two girls." He says and kisses mine and Luna's heads. I smile and kiss his cheek. I sit up and look over to see Lance and Luna fast asleep. I pick up Luna and put her in her crib. I put the baby monitor next to her crib and walk over to Lance. I didn't want to wake him up but if he stayed on the floor his back would hurt. I decided to wake him up anyway. " Lance, Lance wake up." I shook him gently until his eyes shot open. " What-what happened? Is the baby ok? Are you ok." He grabbed my face and checked for any marks. Then he got up and went to Luna's crib. " No Lance, we're fine. I just didn't want you to sleep on the floor." I say walking to him. He sighs a breath of relief. " You scared me." He holds his chest. " Come on. Let's get you to bed." I grab his hand and lead him to my room. Lance would probably be at my house most of the time because Luna was here. We had a crib at my house and at Lance's house just in case we stayed at his place. When we got to my room Lance jumped on my bed and got under the covers. I saw Lance shuffling under the covers. He threw his shirt and his pants on to the floor. I laughed at him and got in bed next to him. I made sure the baby monitor was next to me and closed my eyes. I wasn't even half asleep when Luna started crying. I got up and went to her room. She was just wet so I changed her and she went right back to sleep. The rest of the night was quite. We occasionally checked up on her and she was fine.
This is gonna be a long eighteen years but I'm ready to spend it with the love of my life and my precious baby girl.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now