Chapter 22

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Brea's POV
It's been a week and Lance is still not awake. When I woke up on the chair in the hospital Lance was not on life support anymore. I was happy but I was also sad because he hadn't woken up yet. Jade and Cree have been bringing me clothes while Thomas and Ricardo have been bringing me food since I don't like hospital food. Don't judge me it's nasty. After an hour had passed I got bored of watching TV so I decided to watch Lele Pons videos on my phone. I went to my book bag and pulled out my head phones. Just as I was coming back Lance started moving. I dropped my head phones and, even though we were in the same room and not that far away from each other, I sprinted across the room. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine. My eyes started to water. I was about to get my phone and tell everyone what's going on when Lance started saying something. I didn't understand because he was whispering. I brought my head close to him.
" Brea? Brea?" he said and he kept on saying that. "I'm here." I finally said. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me. I looked back at him and smiled.
" I'm gonna go tell the doctors your up. I'll be right back." he nodded and I left the room. While I was out I also called everyone and told them Lance was up. They said they were on their way. I went back inside to find the doctor getting ready to leave. I guess she finished everything she had to do before I came back inside. When she left I thanked her and sat down next to Lance. " Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked grabbing his hand. He groaned then responded. " everything hurts but I'm okay." He said squeezing my hand. I smiled at him I was about to ask him something else when I got a text from Jade.
Jade: Where r u? We need u to come get some things
Me: What things??
Jade: Just some clothes for Lance and other things
Me: OK I'm coming
I close my phone and look up at Lance. He's looking at me worried like something bad just happened. " Is everything alright?" He asks me. " yeah, I just have to step out for a minute." he sighs and looks at me.
" Your leaving again. Can you just stay for a little?" he asks me with a sad look on his face. " I'm not leaving. I just have to step out of the room. I'll be right back. I promise." I say with a smile. He nods and lets go of my hand. I walk out of the hospital and go to find everyone. I find them standing out side of the car with a bunch of balloons and a big teddy bear. I walk up to them and sitting on the ground is a bag with Lances clothes. " What is all of this?" I ask them grabbing two balloons. " It's stuff for Lance." Cree tells me. " Why does he need a giant teddy bear?" I ask pointing at the teddy bear. " To make him feel better." Thomas replies while shrugging his shoulders. I pick up the bag of Lance's clothes and lead them back to Lance's room. When we walk in Lance's eyes literally pop out of his head and we start laughing. " What is all of this?" He asks scanning all of us in front of him. " Its just a little something we got for you." Jade says with a smile. " A little something. Ricardo is carrying a giant teddy bear. That's more than a little something." He says rolling his eyes. " Well do you like the surprise? Thomas asked feeling anxious. " Of course I like it but don't you think its a little much?" he asks looking at Thomas.

" Well, no. not really but we can take it back if its too much." Thomas picking up the bear. " No its fine I was just saying. Anyway, what brings you guys here?" Was he seriously asking that question. What else would bring them here. " Why else would we be here Lance?" Cree asked him. He laughed then looked back at her. " You guys are here for me. I'm so flattered. He said with a laughed. " Don't flatter yourself." Cree says rolling her eyes. We sit down and talk and laugh for hours. It started to get really late so everyone had to go home. I stayed with Lance and we just talked for a little more. He started wincing in pain every time he laughed and I was starting to get worried. " Hey, Lance are you OK?" I asked grabbing his hand. " Yeah. I'm fine, it just hurts a little." He says with a smile. " Lance you need your pain meds." I say to him. " I already took them." He says sounding annoyed. " Your supposed to take them more than one time Lance." I say rolling my eyes. " I don't want to. they make me sleepy. " So. They minimize the pain so it's worth getting sleepy." I say while grabbing the pain meds and some water. " I don't want to fall asleep and leave you here all lonely." he says pouting. " Your so cute when you pout but as cute as you are you still have to take your meds." I say handing him the cup of water and the pill. he takes and says, " Aren't I supposed to say that to you?" I roll my eyes at him. " No but your supposed to take your meds."I say with a fake smile. He takes the meds. We talk for about 45 minuets before he falls asleep. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I sigh and go to sleep.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now