Chapter 12

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Brea's POV

Lance said he is on his way to my house. I put on some sweats and a hoodie crop top and some Adidas. i sit on the couch and wait for Lance to come. 10 minutes later I hear a car horn honk twice. Its Lance. I walk out the door and see Lance's car waiting for me. I get in the car and kiss Lance on the cheek.

" Hey" I say as I buckle my seat belt. "Hey. you ready?" he asks me. I nod my head and we start to head to his house. When we make it to his house I start to get a little tired and Lance notices.

" Are you tired?" he ask me raising an eyebrow. " yeah a little." I say with a smirk. " you know you can go take a nap in my bed until everyone else gets here." he says getting up off the couch. " yea i know but I don't think you will wake me up and I don't want to miss anything." I say feeling a little bashful. " Oh my goodness Brea if it means that much to you I'll wake you up but you better not hit me." He says putting a hand out to me. I grab it. " OK I wont hit you." i say rolling my eyes. " Huh you say that now." he says walking up the stairs with me. I fall asleep a couple minutes later. About an hour later someone is trying to wake me up. I don't bother to see who it is and I just slap them on whatever body part I could reach. " Oww!! Brea you said you wouldn't hit me. i hear a voice say I automatically know its Lance and a huge smile appears on my face. "I see you smiling and I'm gonna get you back." he says glaring at me. I laugh knowing hes probably going to tickle me until I say sorry. "Come down stairs." he says and walks out of the room. I get out of bed and walk down stairs I sit next to Lance on the couch. Jade looks at me. I breath in and tell them everything that has been going on.

"Brea I don't know what to say." Jade says getting up to hug me. "I am extremely scared." I say. "I want to hurt him so bad." Cree says holding her fist. "We all do." Ricardo says looking at Cree. "I have a bat." Thomas says and they all look at Jade who hasn't agreed on hurting him."What I hate him too." Jade says. "OK are you going to help us hurt him." Cree says coming closer to Jade."I don't know if I can. I don't know how to fight and I don't have anything to hurt him with." Jade says backing up. Cree smiles. " I will train you and you can borrow my nun chucks." Cree says smiling."OK I'm in." Jade says smiling mischievously. " Guys no one is going to hurt anyone. there are better ways we can solve this." i say holding back my laughter. they all groan in frustration. we all watch movies in Lances movie room upstairs until it gets dark. We were watching a scary movie when the electricity cut out. The guys went to check it out. Five minutes later we hear footsteps coming back but the lights haven't come back on. "Did you guys fix it or no." Cree asks confused. Then I feel a hand cover my mouth. "You thought you could hide from me." a voice from behind me whispers. I was about to scream but then I remembered that the lights are off. He doesn't know what I'm going to do."I see you are smarter now. you know you shouldn't try to fight me. if you are going to listen this shouldn't be hard." he says. "stand up." He tells me. I stand up and he moves his hand from my mouth. He grabs my wrist and leads me out the room. I remember there being a vase on the table close to the stairs. I was right just as he was about to take me down the stairs i grab the vase and smash it over his head. He falls down the stairs. he is unconscious. I run back into the room and tell Cree and Jade what happened. "So what you are telling me is that he is here right now." Cree says. "yes but don't do anything. We are just going to go find the guys." i say. "no promises" Cree says standing up. jade laughs at us. we go down stairs and go into the garage. That's where the break box is. we walk in and i go over to it and turn the electricity back on. i turn around and see the guys tied to chairs unconscious with tape over their mouths. we go over to them and untie them. we count to three then rip the tape off their mouths they all wake up. "Oww!!!" all three of them say in unison. "sorry" we all say. "what happened. did someone hurt you guys. was it him." Lance says mad as heck. " when we walk in the house we see him standing there mad. "you are so. annoying. you just don't listen you are so stubborn." he says walking over to me. "what are you gonna do." Lance says stepping in front of me. Daniel punches Lance in the face. Lance steps back and holds his nose. Daniel starts laughing then Lance kicks Daniel in the stomach. Daniel falls on the floor. Lance jumps on Daniel and starts punching him like crazy. I grab lances hand but he is stronger than me so he pulls his and away. He accidentally punches me in the stomach and I fall on the floor. Lance gets off Daniel and walks over to me.
"B-Br-Brea..I-I'm so sorry." Lance says. Daniel stands up."you see what you did." Daniel says. Just as I'm about to punch him in his stupid face someone garbs my arm. I look back and see Ricardo. " Dude let me go." I say trying to get out of Ricardo's grip. " No man you're gonna kill him if I let you go." he says with a worried look on his face. " I really don't care right now." I say clearly annoyed. Just as I turn around a fist is hurdling towards me. Daniel punches me in the face really hard. I fall to the ground and hit my head on the edge of a table, but before I'm out I see him with a smirk on his face as he's being kicked out of the house by Thomas. Then everything turns black.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora