Chapter 29

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Brea's POV
I walked inside and saw my dad sleeping on the couch. I guess my mom and him had another fight. They have been fighting a lot lately and it's gotten physical a few times. I always jump in when it does. I don't want them to hurt each. They always tried not to hurt me except when my dad was drunk. It was the worst. He never cared who he hurt even if it was me. I told my that we should leave but she didn't want to. She said she was doing it for me. She wanted me to have both parents in my life but I didn't really care if it was just me and my mom. I liked being with her. I could tell her anything. My dad was starting to wake up and I heard my mom come from her room. I didn't know how this would end but I didn't want it to end badly. I went to the fridge and got apple juice.  I sat down on the stool. My mom came down but quickly went upstairs after she saw my dad. My dad grabbed her waist and pulled her back down to him. " I'm sorry baby." He said as he kisses her cheek. " Whatever David. I honestly don't want to hear your apology." She said pushing him away. " I said I was sorry now your going to forgive me." He said and pulled her to his chest again. I didn't even know I was standing. " I said no. Now let me go. Brea is here don't so this in front of her." She pleaded with him. " Do you think I give a shit." He said pulling her hair back. I was walking now. He pushed my mom into the stairs and I ran to her side. " What the fuck!" I yelled at him.
" It's okay sweetie. Go upstairs." She rubbed my back. " No, no, it's not ok. How can you just let him do that to you?!" I yelled at her. " And you. How could you just hit your wife like she's a piece of shit?!" I asked my dad. " Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He came and pulled my hair and pushed me to the stairs. I got up and slapped him. I didn't even realise I had done it. " You bitch!" He yelled and came at me. I don't have time to move away because he already grabbed me and punched me in the gut. I felt like all the air had been pulled out of me and I couldn't breathe. By the time I caught my breath I felt another hard pressure hitting my face. By the time I could react I was already on the floor. I heard my parents muffled screams and my mother's cries. It soon died down and everything went black.

Cree's POV
I was at Jade's house when we decided to go to Brea's house. We wanted to celebrate with her. We tried to call but she didn't answer her phone and we were starting to get worried. " Can we just go surprise her." Jade asked. " Fine. Let's go." I told her and we got in my car.
When we pulled up in front of Brea's house we noticed her dad wasn't home. We got out the car and walked up to her front door. It was open which was weird because there door was always locked. We walked in. "Surpri-" we stopped mid sentence when we saw Brea on the floor and her mom crying. She was shaking her and we ran over to them. Her mom looked up at us. "What's going on?" I asked kneeling down to their level. "I will tell you guys when Brea wakes up. But for now I need you two to just stay here. She will need you two when she wakes up." she said wiping tears from her eyes. We all just sat there with Brea. Her mom put her head in her lap. About an hour later she started moving. She opened her eyes just a little. "What's going on. What happened? Am I dead? Is this heaven? Or hell? I know there's no in between." She asked sitting up. She asked so many questions. "No your alive." Her mom said moving Brea's hair away from her face. "Oh." She said a bit disappointed. "Do you remember anything?" Jade asked putting her hand on Brea's. "Yes. Everything." she said standing up. We stood as well. She went into the kitchen and we sat at the counter. She pulled an ice pack out of the freezer  and sat down in between the both of us. "What happened?" I asked. She looked at me. She opened her mouth to speak but just when she was about to say something Jade cut her off. "Where's your dad?" Jade asked. She put the ice pack down and put her head in her hands. "Can I have a minute?" She said sighing at the end. She stayed like that for about 30 seconds. Then she lifted her head up and looked at the both of us then her mom. "OK. So Lance dropped me home and then my dad and mom were arguing. He was hurting her so I yelled at him. Then he hit me and I fell. Then everything went black and I don't remember anything after that." She said. After she put her head back in her hands. "I'm calling the police." I said picking up my phone. She didn't move. I put in the numbers and then put the phone on speaker. Her mom came and whispered to me to let her talk to the police. I nodded and she took the phone and went outside. Jade was gently rubbing Brea's back. "Brea, are you OK?" I ask tilting my head so maybe I could see her. She didn't move.  "Do you want us to go?" Jade asks removing her hand. She didn't move. We looked at each other then her. We got up and started walking towards the door. Right when I was about to grab the door handle she said something. I didn't hear what it was so I came closer to her in case she said it again. "Don't leave." she said. She lifted her head and looked at us. Her eyes were red so she was probably crying. We walked over to her and sat next to her. She motioned for us to go upstairs into her room. She stayed downstairs for a while. A few minutes later she came into the room with snacks and drinks. She grabbed her remote and we watched a bunch of movies. I picked up the remote and looked at Brea. "You need to tell Lance." I said looking her dead in the eye. "No" she said mimicking my actions. "Yes" Jade said and she turned to look at her. "Why do I need to?" She said reaching for the remote. "Because he is your boyfriend." I said in a duh tone. "Yeah my boyfriend not my bodyguard." She said looking at me. "Well yeah but he cares about you." I say taking the remote out of her hands. "I know and that's amazing but he doesn't need to know about this. I know Lance he is going to hunt my dad down and kill him." She said raising an eyebrow at me. "I don't understand why that's a bad thing." Jade said popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth.  " Maybe because I don't want my boyfriend in jail for murder." She said her voice getting higher. "Brea think about it. If you don't tell him and you let him find out from someone else he is going to be mad at you and your dad. But if you tell him now he'll just be mad at your dad." Jade said counting off the options on her fingers. She sighed. "Fine I'll tell him." She said and took the remote. I looked at her. "Did you mean now?" She said raising an eyebrow. I nodded. "Hell no. I'll tell him tomorrow." She said. I smiled at her and she laughed a little. "Can you guys sleep over?" She asked. " Nah duh." We said in unison. We all laughed. The rest of the night we talked, watched movies, etc. etc. I hope Brea's gonna be okay. 

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now