Chapter 28

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Lance's POV
Cree texted me and told me they were walking down the rose path. I hurried and got in position. I lit up the path and the area we were in with lights so they can see and to make it more romantic. I was so extremely nervous I couldn't stop shaking.
" Dude, calm down. It's gonna be fine."  Thomas said patting my shoulder trying to calm me down. " I'm just so nervous dude." I say still shaking terribly.
" She will love it. There's no need to be nervous." He says handing me the bouquet of roses. I nodded and walked over to the area I was supposed to be in. Cree had texted me to hurry and get in position. I got down on one knee and when I looked up I saw her. She was standing there looking beautiful. She had a shocked look on her face when she got over to me.
" Lance." She whispered as she put her hands on my shoulders. " Brea, I knew you were the girl for me when I first met you." I said and looked into her eyes. " Lance, what are you doing?" She looked really scared. " When you got kidnapped, I promised to myself I would never stop looking until there was proof that you were dead. I would've searched the ends of the earth until I found you." My voice was starting to break. I need to stay strong. " I love you Brea and I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I knew my eyes were glossy. " Lance, I- I- I love you too." She said as the tears left her eyes. I handed the bouquet and looked her in her beautiful brown eyes. " Brea would you make me..." She cut me off which scared the shit out of me. " Lance, I'm not ready to marry you. At least not yet." She said biting her lip. I stood up and looked at her. She thought I was proposing. " Brea, I'm not proposing." She furrowed her eyebrows. " I wanted to give you this." I opened the box that had the promise ring in it. " Oh Lance." She whispered. " I don't want you to leave my side and I don't want to leave yours. So this promise ring is a promise that I will never ever leave you." I put the ring on the ring finger on her right hand. I kissed her hand and gave her a hug. " Lance, it's beautiful. Thank you." She said looking at the ring. She then planted a big kiss in my lips. As she was kissing me she bit my lip. I let out a moan against her lips. When I kiss her it's like everything else doesn't matter. All my problems are gone when I'm with her. I never wanted to let her go. When she pulled away I was breathing hard and she put her hand on my face. " You don't know what you do to me. I want you so bad." I breathed in her ear. " I know. I want you too." She whispered back. I shuddered at the thought of Brea in my bed or me in hers. It something I think we are ready for. I didn't know how else I can express my love for her. I heard someone clear there throat from behind us. I completely forgot we weren't alone. I turned around and gave my friends a smile. They all had huge smiles on there faces. The guys came walking up to me and the girls ran to Brea. " Nice job man." Ricardo says to me while patting my back. " Yeah. I can already see that you two have a future together." Thomas said as he chuckled. I laughed and we all decide to go out for dinner. We went to Olive Garden for dinner and after I dropped Brea home. Before she went inside we talked in my car for a while
" This was the best night ever." She told me. " I'm glad you like it." I say looking at the ring." It's not just the ring. It's everything. Everything you did. You put so much into this. Just for me." she said smiling. Of course I did. I'd do anything for you." I said leaning over to kiss her. Before I could reach her lips she got out and went to my side of the car. She opened the door and sat on my lap facing me. " Hey." I said smiling at her. She smiled back and kissed me. I wasn't surprised because I knew it was coming. I pulled the thing at the bottom of my seat to make it backup a little. Then I lifted the thing on the side of seat to make it lean back all the way. I didn't leave her lips not once. I then started placing kisses on her neck and chest. She tilted her head so I could have more access. I was going lower but her shirt was in the way. I quickly lifted the shirt over her head and threw it on the passenger seat. She giggled then started kissing me again. Then she was placing small kisses on my neck. She was kissing my neck and pulling my shirt down as if it would just magically come off. She started tugging at my shirt telling me to take it off. I pulled the shirt over my head then pulled her back in to continue what we started. She was slowly grinding herself against me and each second I wanted her more and more. I was trying to unbutton her jeans when she pulled away.
" W-whats wrong?" I asked her. We were both breathing hard. " I don't want to do it here. I want to do it. Believe me. Just not your car." She said looking down. I lifted her chin up and looked in her eyes. " To be completely honest, I didn't want to do it in the car either." I said smiling a bit. I didn't want me and Brea to have sex in the car. I wanted it to be perfect and I could tell she wanted that too. She planted a small kiss on my lips and slid to the passenger side of the car. She grabbed her shirt and handed me mine. She put her shirt on and turned in the seat to look at me. I leaned in to kiss her and opened the door while I did it. " You should probably go before I get carried away." I said smirking at her. She laughed but got out of the car. She turned to look at me again. " Love you." She whispered. " Love you more." I whispered back with a smile and she closed the door and went in her house. The whole drive back to my house I had a huge smile on my face.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin