Chapter 23

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Lance's POV

Today I was getting released from the hospital. The doctors told me I had to take it easy for a couple more weeks but other than that I'm good to go. Brea helps me get me get my things together so I don't strain myself to much. I don't know I will strain myself but oh well.
Brea drove me home from the hospital and we just hung out and she made me food. I never thought she would make me food and it was my favorite. Our friends came over and we hung out for a little. " Lance, how are you feeling?" Jade asks me. everyone was more worried about me and I didn't really like having all of them worry about me. It felt weird. When everyone left i saw Brea tense up a bit. " Are you okay?" I asked her " huh" she looked at me confused. " Are you okay? I saw you tense up when everyone left." She sighed and looked at me. " You know with everything that happened I'm still a little paranoid." She said looking down. I could see the fear in her eyes. every time I hugged her, as uncomfortable as it made her feel she still hugged me.
" Brea, if you feel uncomfortable you don't have to be affectionate with me. I want you to feel comfortable. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing you to be affectionate." I saw to her looking into her pained eyes. "No your not forcing me to do anything. I want to do this. I feel it will help me." I cant believe she is doing this to herself. " Brea, I'm not gonna let you do this. I want you to heal at your own pace not just to give me pleasure." She was shocked by my choice of words. " I'm not doing this for you!" she yelled. I could tell she was lying. " Oh really, then come give me a kiss." I said walking up to her. She hesitated but then walked. I stopped walking and so did she. I saw her let out a small breath. " See you hesitated then you let out a breath of relief. You can't lie to me Brea." I back away from her a bit to give her some space. " I did not. I'm a human I need to breath." she rolls her eyes. " You were holding your breath Brea. I'm not stupid."  I rolled my back at her. " I never said you were stupid but your assuming that I'm doing this to make you happy." Does she not know I can tell when she's lying. " Brea I can read like an open book ya know." I say to her. " Lance, I'm perfectly fine. I'm not uncomfortable nor am I doing this for you." she says taking a seat on the couch. " There you go with the lying again. Stop lying to me! I don't care if you hug me our not. I care that it's what you want and that your not doing this to make me happy. I can see right through you Breanna!" I never said her full name unless i was mad or frustrated with her. She was shocked when i said her full name. " I know when your lying to me so when you tell me your not doing this to please me I know your lying. Just be honest with me. I won't be sad. I'm not gonna force you to hug or kiss me. I don't care about that stuff. I care that your happy and healthy." I say sighing. I can feel the pain from my injury radiate through me. I need to calm down. I sit down on couch and wait for Brea to speak. " Fine. I was doing it for you." She says while sighing. I could finally see that she was being honest. " Thank you for the forced honesty." I say lying down on the couch. " I was doing it half for me. I missed your hugs and kisses and cuddling with you it was the best time and now I can't do that without hesitation." She says and she runs her hands through my hair. I get up and look at her dead in the eyes. "It's okay. I just want you to be comfortable and not hesitant all the time. I don't care if it takes days, months, even years. I just want you to be okay and I don't want you to lie to me okay." I say to her. she comes closer to me. "Never. I will never lie to you." she leans over and kisses me. I was shocked but then I kissed her back. We kissed for a while our lips moving in sync. She finally broke the kiss and bit her lip. " Was that for me or was that something you wanted to do?" I asked her raising my eyebrow. She just laughed at me and said, " Both." We both kissed again and after we went to my TV room and watched movies. After a scary movie marathon it was midnight so Brea ended up sleeping over at my house.

Brea's POV
When I woke up Lance was still asleep so I went down stairs and started making pancakes. Of course I needed motivation so I popped my headphones in my ears and played my playlist on Spotify. When the pancakes were ready I turned around to put them on the table and Lance was just standing there staring at me. "How long were you standing there." I ask placing the pancakes down on the table. "Long enough to see you dance to like ten songs. You need dance lessons." He says laughing. "Ouch, my feelings." I say holding my heart. We both laugh. After we eat I get my things so I can go home and change because apparently Jade has the whole day planned out and we are meeting at her house. I walk to the door then turn around. "I forgot something. " I say walking away from the door. "Oh. What is it?" Lance asks me. I drop my bag on the floor and walk over to Lance. I kiss him. He wraps his hands around my waist but when he did that I felt weird so I moved his hands and he broke the kiss. " Are you okay?" he asked looking worried. I smiled at him. " Yeah it just felt uncomfortable with your hands around my waist." I said to him and he nodded. " I see your taking what I said last night into effect." he said smiling big at me. I smiled back and left.

When I get to Jades house the door was already unlocked so I opened it and find her and Ricardo making out on the couch and Cree and Thomas making out in the kitchen. "Ahem" I clear my throat. They turned and look at me. It was really awkward.
" You told me to be here Jade. I'm here." Jade looked at me and she looked embarrassed. " Oh, hey Brea. Sorry umm were still waiting for Cree ." She says smiling at me. I smiled back at her and went upstairs to her room. When I got in her room I decided to watch Netflix since I didn't know when Cree would be here. I've been watching a couple of movies and Cree still hadn't come down. I decide to go downstairs and talk to Jade. " Jade where is..." I was cut off when I saw Jade and Cree. They were laughing and heading to the door. " Where are you guys going?" I asked walking up to them. " Oh! Brea I forgot you were here." Jade said giving me a reassuring smile. I wasn't reassured. " So you guys were just gonna leave me? I can't believe this." I said to them clearly frustrated with the situation. " Brea, it's not like that. We just forgot that you were here." Cree said lying through her teeth. Cree was an okay liar but Jade was the worst liar that ever existed. Whenever she lied she would start sweating like crazy and her hands would start shaking and she would stutter. " Jade, is this true? I purposely asked her to see if they were lying. " umm y-yeah it's tr- true." She was stuttering and her hands were shaking like crazy. " Jade your the worst liar I. The history of liars." Cree said rolling her eyes. " Did you guys not want to hang out with me?" I asked feeling hurt that they didn't want to hang with me. " We just wanted to get our minds off of what happened." Jade said. I could see she didn't see the logic I. What she just said. " SO YOU DON'T THINK I NEED TO GET MY MIND OFF THINGS! I HAD IT WORSE THEN YOU TWO!" I yelled at them. They were being so selfish. How could they even think that I didn't need to clear my head. " Brea you don't have to yell. We just thought you wouldn't like what we were going to do." Jade says looking down. " Why did you even invite me?" I said getting ready to leave. " Brea come on. Don't be like that." Cree said grabbing my arm. I yanked it away from her. " Just leave me alone. You guys clearly don't want to hang out with me and I get it. You guys only got beat while I was raped and beaten." I say walking towards the door. " Brea, It's not like that at all." Jade says running up to me.
" Yes it is and I'm done talking to you guys. Enjoy your hang out." I saw walking out the house. They were calling after me but I wasn't answering them. I was just walking. I didn't know where I would go but I just needed some time alone. I called Lance hoping by the time he got here I would be okay.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now