Chapter 27

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Lance's POV
It's Friday afternoon and I'm about to tell the gang about my plan and see if they can help me.
Brea kept texting me to ask where I was. I told her I was busy doing stuff with my family all day, which wasn't technically a lie because I was busy all day. I just wasn't doing what I said I was. She texted everyone else too and they had to lie.
" She's texting me again." Jade says. " Tell her your still busy." I say rolling my eyes. We were going to the Kay Jewelers to get the promise ring.
When we got inside the store Jade already knew what ring Brea would like. " Omg! She would definitely love this one." Jade said nodding her head.  It was a silver ring with a big diamond in the center and little diamonds around it. I looked at the price and nearly fainted. " Jade, this ring is 99,000 dollars. They might as well make it 1 million." I said pointing at the price. " But.." I cut her off. " Jade I can't afford it. Besides it's an engagement ring. I'll save it for when I propose." I winked at her and she gasped at the thought. " You want to marry her?!" She asked bopping up and down. " Cree, why don't you come with me to look for another ring?" I ask Cree. I don't really need her hell I just need to talk with her. " Lance, I pretty sure you can do that on your own." She says rolling her eyes. " Cree, I need help. Now come on." I glare at her and she finally gets the point. " Fine." She finally let out. We walked to a corner that had smaller simpler but pretty looking rings. " Umm, I like this one. It's definitely something Brea would wear. Simple yet pretty." Cree says while looking at a gold ring. It had a small diamonds all around it.

It was something Brea would wear

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It was something Brea would wear. " I like that one. She would definitely love it." I say while looking closer at the ring. " Cree, I didn't really need help with the ring."  She looked at me confused. " What did you need then?" She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. " I need you to distract Brea for about two and a half hours so me and everyone else can get the stuff ready." I say to her. " I'm doing this by myself? What about Jade or the guys?" She asked turning to face me. " I feel Jade might blurt something out and I need the guys to help me, so your going to hang out with Brea until it's time to bring her to the spot." I say and walk away. I didn't want to deal with her protest. I know she will try to make me change my mind but I'm not going to. " Ugh! Lance!" She yells back but I ignore her and go to the counter. I ask the sales lady for the ring I saw over in the corner and it was the perfect price. The lady places the ring in a small blue box and hands it to me.
I show my friends the ring and they love it. " She's gonna love that." Ricardo says patting my back. " Yeah, you picked the right ring bro." Thomas says taking a closer look at the ring. I put the box inside my pocket and we leave the mall.
I can't wait till tomorrow night. This is gonna be perfect.

Brea's POV
I've been bored all day. All of my friends were busy which I found quite weird but I didn't question it.
I was chilling out watching a movie when I got a text from Cree. I was surprised at first but then answered the text.
Hot sauce: Hey
Me: Hey. Wats up
Hot sauce: Do u wanna hang out tomorrow
Me: Sure
Me: Wat r we gonna do
Hot sauce: Well I was thinking we could go to the mall
Me: Ok cool
Hot sauce: Ok see u tomorrow
Me: Yea ok

The rest of the day went by pretty slow without my friends. I got bored sitting at home so I left and went to that dock again. It looked like more people came today than last time. I looked around and it was decorated differently. I didn't think anything of it. I went and bought myself ice cream and then sat on the dock. When I was about to leave something was happening. I turned around and saw everyone crowding around. I went and pushed through the crowd to see what was going on. I then saw a guy proposing to his girlfriend. It was the cutest thing ever. I pulled out my phone and recorded the whole thing. When I got home I texted the video to Jade and Cree. Then I got ready to go to bed since there was nothing else to do. I got my laptop from my desk and started re-watching stranger things season 1&2. When I was about 3 episodes in to season two I fell asleep. Aww too bad.

When I woke up the next day I took my laptop off my bed. I then got up and changed into an oversized red hoodie and ripped jeans. I then went downstairs and made myself cereal. While I was eating I texted Cree. 
Me: imma come to your house
Hot sauce: nah imma come pick u up
Me: kk
I got my computer and continued to watch Stranger Things.Then I heard two honks from outside. I got up and went to go open the door.
" Hey Cree." I said and gave her a hug. " Hey. You ready to go?" she asked and returned my hug. " You came really fast." I told her and grabbed my phone and wallet and put it in my mini backpack. " I was already on my way when you texted me." She shrugged her shoulders. I nodded and we got in her car. As we were headed to the mall Cree's phone was blowing up. I thought it was Thomas but I couldn't help but think that everyone else and that they were avoiding me. I don't remember doing anything wrong. I pushed the thought in the far corner of my mind.
When we got to the mall we headed to Forever 21 first. I bought some shorts and a couple crop tops to match. After about an hour of shopping we decided to get something to eat at the food court. I got
Chick-Fil-A and Cree got Panda Express. We laughed and talked for a hour. We were in the mall the whole morning. When it was about six we decided to go to the dock. She told me everyone else was waiting for us there. I couldn't wait to see the gang. It feels like it's been forever.
When we got to the dock it was lit up real nice. I
Noticed a rose petal path and decided to follow it. Cree came with me. After about 15 minutes of walking I stopped when I saw Lance on one knee with something in his hand.
" Lance?" I breathed out and walked up to him. Everyone else was crowding him and I saw Cree standing next to Thomas. What is this? I'm excited yet scared at the same time.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now