Chapter 32

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Brea's POV
I've been feeling sick these past couple of weeks and I don't why. Lance told me that he had something really serious to tell me. I'm scared to find out what it is. What if he wants to break up. I don't know what I'd do if that were to happen. I hear a knock at my door and I know it's Lance.
" Hey, Brea." He kisses my lips then walks to the couch. He doesn't sit down though. I walk up to him and rub his back. " Sit down, Lance." I try to push him to the couch but he doesn't budge. I sigh and go sit down myself. " What do you wanna talk about?" I asked getting comfortable in the couch. " Ok, umm I've been keeping this from you for a while, and I don't wanna keep it from you anymore." He's nervous." Spit it out Lance." I demand. I was getting more anxious the more he stood here and dragged it on. " Ok, ok. On our anniversary dinner, after we did the dirty." He says that part with a little smirk but it quickly falls. " There was a little problem." He says shyly. " Lance, what happened." I say standing up.
" Well when I was taking the condom off, it was ripped." He says all to quickly. I stood there in shock. " How-how could you keep this from me! Do you know how serious that is." I say pushing past him and walking to kitchen. " Brea, I know and I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you." He says wrapping his arms around me. I move his arms and move further away from him. " Brea, come on. Don't be like this." He says trying to walk over to me but I hold my arm out to stop him. " Lance, I need my space right now. I need to think." I say moving back and sitting on one of the stools. " I'm sorry, Brea. I really am." He tells me. " I know, Lance. You keep telling me." I say rolling my eyes. " I need to go out." I say getting up from the stool and walk to the door. " Where are you going? Do you want me to go with you?" He asks walking over to me quickly. " No, Lance. I'm fine on my own." I grab my keys and my wallet and get in my car.
I quickly pull out of the drive way and make my way to a nearby store. I get out and go straight to the baby section. I find the pregnancy tests and quickly walk over to the check out section. I pay for the tests and get back to my car. When I get back home I realize that Lance is still there. I roll my eyes and get out of the car. As soon as I make my way in side, Lance comes barreling towards me. " What did you get?" He try's to take the bag from me but I move it away quickly. I get out of his hold and run upstairs.
" Where are you going?" I make my way to my room and slam the door in his face and lock it. I go into the bathroom and take the pregnancy test.
I feeling sick theses past weeks, it must've have been morning sickness from me being pregnant. Right?
After 3 minutes I start to see the two red lines. I pick up the box and read what they mean. I drop the box and sit down on the toilet seat. " I'm pregnant." I whisper to myself. I didn't realize I was crying until a tear fell onto my arm. I picked up the test and walked downstairs to Lance. When I got in front of him, his eyes widened when he saw the test in my hand. He took it from me slowly and looked at it. He looked at it confused then looked at me. " what does it mean?" He asked flipping it over for for more information. " I'm pregnant." I whisper to him. He almost drops the pregnancy test. He looks up at me. " Are- are you serious." He asks standing up. " The test is in your hand Lance. Two lines means your pregnant." I whisper again. I can't seem to find my voice. " It was only one time." He shakes his head.
" It only takes one time, Lance. Plus the condom ripped, that's an even bigger chance of me being pregnant." I say sitting on the couch. He sits down next to me. " Yeah, I guess." He says running his hands through his hair.
" What are we gonna do." I say looking at him. " We? You mean you." I looked at him shocked. " The fuck did you just say?" I asked him standing up. I was ready to knock some sense into him. " Woah, babe. I'm just kidding." He says holding his hands out. " Lance, that's not funny." I say pouting and sitting down next to him. " It's my baby too. I helped make it." He says putting his arm around my neck.
" Ok, well back to my first question." I say leaning into him. " We're gonna keep it." He says firmly.
" You want to?" I didn't think he would want to keep the baby. I thought he wanted to give it to a family who can't have kids. " Hell yeah I wanna keep it. It's my baby." I laugh at him and kiss his cheek. " Our baby." I say as I sigh into his chest.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now