Chapter 24

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Lance's POV
Brea called me and told me she wanted me to come get her at the park. I rushed into my car and started heading for the park. When I got there I saw Brea sitting on the swing. I walked over to her and she looked really sad. I walked up to her and she looked up at me. " Brea what's wrong?" I asked her taking a seat next to her. " Cree and Jade think they have a better connection because they weren't raped so they were gonna leave me at Jade's house." I can't believe they would be so stupid to do something like that.
" Brea that is honestly the most stupidest reason to leave someone behind. I thought that this would bring you guys closer together." I looked at her but she turned away. " I guess not." she mumbled under her breath. " What exactly did they say?" I wanted to know why they did it. " They said I wouldn't have liked what they were gonna do but I'm pretty sure they just didn't want to hang out with me." I noticed she was picking at her skin with her nails. " Brea, stop that." She looked at me confused then I pointed at her wrist and it was bleeding a little. Why is she doing that. " Brea, are you okay?" She just nodded but I could tell she wasn't. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the car. " I'm going to take you home." I said walking to the car. When we got there Brea looked so drained. As soon as I turned on the car she was out. They drive was silent besides the music that was coming from the radio. I kept think about why Brea was picking at wrist. Was it intentional or was she doing it without knowing? " Brea wake up." I shook her. She groaned but didn't wake up. I shook her again and she hit my arm. " Oww, Brea what was that for?" Every time I wake her up I get abused. " You woke me up." she said. "Well sorry." I say pulling into her driveway. She laughed. I smiled at her. " You're home. " I said to her while parking the car. "No I don't wanna be home. " she said putting the car in reverse. "Why?" I asked her. "My home is boring and I don't wanna be bored." She said. I looked at her. "Ok then what do you want to do." I say pulling out of the drive way. She thinks for a little. "The beach." she said. " The beach? Are you sure. I mean that's kinda...." "Yea very sure. Well first I need to pick up some stuff." she said cutting me off. While we were driving she told me to pull over. "I know what beach your thinking of. I don't wanna go there. I wanna go to the one by the pier. " she said smiling. "Ok but why that beach?" I asked her. "That beach is prettier at night. " she said. I just laughed at her. When we got to the pier she jumped out the car and ran inside of a store. She came back out and motioned for me to follow her. I smiled and followed her into the store. I looked around and realized that it was a bathing suit store. I see what she meant when she said she needed to pick up some stuff. "Ok I need help." she said walking up to me. She held up six bathing suits. "Why so many." I asked her extremely confused. She just laughed. After a few minutes she finally picked one. Then she picked me one which was much easier and we got extra stuff like towels and things like that. Then she ran out and I just thought to myself.
Why is she always running.
Then I chased her all the way down to the beach. She stopped right in front of the waves and I stopped right behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She moved my arms from around her and ran into the water. We stayed at the beach until about seven o'clock. Then we got back in the car. Thomas texted me and told me to come to his house. "So we are gonna go to Thomas's house first. " I told her. "Ok why?" she asked me. "I don't exactly know. He just told me to come. " I said. We have to stop to shower and change though because we are wet and smell like salt water.
When we got to Thomas's house Jade,Cree, and Ricardo were there. Brea walked in after me and immediately tried to leave. I stopped her picked her up and placed her on the couch. "why did you do that. I don't wanna be here with these two. " she said very angry. "You guys have to talk. "Ricardo said getting up. "how did you guys know she was with me. " I asked. "We just guessed" Thomas said walking towards the door. "Where are you guys going?" Cree asked she looked really confused. "We are going out." Thomas said and me and Ricardo walked to the door. We all left and got in Rico's car. I'm worried about the girls. I hope they're gonna be ok.

Brea's POV
I can't believe Lance just left me here with these two. I don't want to be here with them. " Brea." I heard Jade call my name. I didn't want to talk with them. " Brea, please answer us." Cree said to me. " What do you want." I said in a bitter tone. " We just want to talk." Jade said in a soft voice. " Well there is nothing to talk about. You guys didn't want to hang out." I said shrugging my shoulders. " Brea, that's not what wee meant and you know that." I turn my gaze towards Cree. " Do I really?" I asked her. She looked shocked for a second but quickly changed her expression. " You guys think that because there was one difference in what we went through that it's okay to do things without me." I say glaring at both of them. " That's not only reason..." I cut Jade off. " So that was one of the reasons. Do you know how bad that sounds." I say running my hands through my hair in frustration. " Let me finish." Jade said. i rolled my eyes and nodded at her. " As I was saying the other reason was we knew you wouldn't want to do what we were gonna do so that's why we tried to sneak out." I rolled my eyes at her. " Why did you guys even invite me in the first place?" I asked them. "Well at first we weren't gonna go anywhere. Then we decided to go some place and when we decided where to go we figured you wouldn't wanna come." Cree said. "OK. Before I ask anything else where were you guys gonna go anyway?" I ask them. "Well there was a party and we were gonna go to it. We thought that you wouldn't wanna go because of everything that happened." Jade said shrugging her shoulders. "OH MY GOD WHY WOULDN'T...WHAT IS THE LOGICAL REASON I WOULDN'T WANNA GO TO A FUCKING PARTY." I said jumping off the couch. "Well...Kale's friends were gonna be there and we were just trying to look out for you. We know that they get on your nerves and we didn't want to put you through that." Jade said standing up off the couch. My first instinct was that she was lying but I know when she is lying. "OK but why did you try to sneak out. I mean you could've just talked to me. It would've saved all of us this argument." I said walking into the kitchen. "Well we didn't think you would understand." Cree said. "To tell you the truth if we thought you would understand we would've told you. We were honestly just trying to watch out for you we didn't want you to have to deal with them." Jade said walking towards me. "What I'm hearing is that this is all you guys' fault." I say pointing to both of them and smiling a little. They laugh and nod there heads. "OK good." I say and walk back to the couch and sit down. "Are we good? I really want us to be. Its totally OK if you say we're not. We are terrible friends. We don't deserve to be..." "We are good as long as you guys promise to talk to me. I'll understand and if I don't we'll just have to talk to each other." I said cutting her off because she was rambling. Then we all got dressed and went to a party. Apparently there were parties all week. It was so fun hanging out with them. After the party we got in the car and realized that we all had three missed calls from the guys. We drove back to Jade's house. When we got there we saw Rico's car was there so we knew that they were here. When we pulled up and got out of the car the guys got out of Rico's car. I guess they stayed in the car since they didn't have a key. "Where were you guys." Lance asked us. They all looked annoyed. "We were at a party. We forgot to tell you we left. Sorry." I said. "We were just worried about you guys. We thought something happened." Rico said sighing a breath of relief. "We're fine." Jade said and walked to the door of the house. She opened the door and we all went inside. We went upstairs and changed while the guys waited downstairs until we told them they could come. When they got upstairs we all went in Jade's room. "So what do you guys want to do." Thomas asked. We all looked at each other and smiled at the guys. "You guys go get popcorn and we'll pick a movie." I said smiling. "Ok fine" they all said groaning in unison. " What movie are we gonna watch?" Jade asked. "Everything, Everything" I said picking up the remote. "Yay but didn't we already see that movie." Cree asked. "Yes but I wanna watch it again." I said. "Me too. I love that movie." Jade said smiling so big. When the guys came back we all watched the movie and because the guys said that it was a girly movie we then watched Fate of the Furious which me and Cree didn't mind as much as Jade did. Then the guys left and we had a sleep over except we didn't go to sleep. At about 2:00 in the morning we all could tell we weren't gonna go to sleep anytime soon. So we all got dressed and went to another party. At 6:00 in the morning is when the party ended and we got back to Jade's house. After the party we were drained and so we went straight to sleep.

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