Chapter 26

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Brea's POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I'm gonna have to get used to that. I groan and get out of bed. After I get out the shower I decide to wear my red crop top sweatshirt with my black ripped jeans and white vans. After I put my clothes and shoes on I go downstairs and say good morning to my mom. " Hey mom." I say and grab a bagel with cream cheese. After I eat it I say bye to my mom and leave the house. When I get in my car I get a text from Jade in our group chat for the girls.

Cherry cola: Hey Juniors
Hot sauce: Haha yeah I can't wait to get to school
Me: That's when it'll be official
Hot Sauce: Yay
Cherry cola: Lol see you at school
Me: Bye

Then I drive off to school. When I get there I go to the principals office to get my new schedule and locker number. She hands me a paper and I leave the room. I went to my locker. Then I looked at my phone to check the time. I had some time to kill so I decorated my locker with things I brought, I then looked at the time again and I still had half an hour. I heard they were serving coffee in the cafeteria so I was going to get some, when Cree calls out my name while running towards me. Jade is not far behind her. They walk up to me and catch their breath. I just laugh
"Hey. We were looking for you everywhere." Jade said leaning against the locker. "Why didn't you just text me and ask?" I ask confused at their idiotic actions. "I did but Jade wouldn't let me." Cree said glaring at Jade. I just laugh at them, they are always arguing and it's hilarious. We talk about many things then start to make our way through the crowd to the cafeteria. Just then the guys come and they walk up to us. I'm about to say hi when Lance smashes his lips on mine and pins me against the locker. He wraps his hands around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. He breaks the kiss and I smile at him but still look surprised. I guess he understands because he grabs my hand and pulls me into an empty classroom. Our friends come with. Before we enter the room I see Lance's former girlfriend glaring at me and Lance. She then sticks her tongue out at me and I put my middle finger up at her. When we get inside I sit on a desk and wait for Lance to start talking. He's pacing back and forth which makes me nervous because he only does that when he has something big on his mind. "So the reason I did that was because last night I was lying down and thinking about us and everything that happened. I realized something that made me want to kiss you." He says exhaling softly at the end. "What did you realize." I ask feeling anxious and curious. "You will find out on Saturday. " He says smirking. "What! Saturday. Why Saturday. Why are you being so mean?" I ask pouting. "I mean I could not tell you at all. " he says shrugging. "You're so difficult." I say groaning. "I'm difficult!" he says surprised. "Whatever. Why can't I know tomorrow." I ask. "Because I don't want you too." he says. He walks out of the room. As I'm about to go after him the bell rings and I have to get to class. In class I could barely concentrate and Cree had to keep nudging me to get me out of my thoughts. While we're at lunch I start to think about what Lance said again. Although I love surprises, I want to know what he realized. My mind goes everywhere. What if he wants to break up with me? What if he wants to kill me? I then realize that I'm thinking about Lance. I start to think rationally. What if he wants to propose to me? Wait no. We're in highschool. What if he wants to-
Cree then nudges me snapping me out of my thoughts. I shake my head softly and look at her and Jade. "That's like the fifth time I've nudged you today. " she says smiling. We all laugh. Then the boys come. We all talk for a few until Jade shushes the whole table. "shhhhh" she says spitting everywhere. "Say it, don't spray it. " Thomas says wiping imaginary spit off of his face. She glares at him. "Anyway...I have an announcement. The principal has asked me to do the decorations for a party but imma need some help. Soo would you-" she says smiling. "Yeah we'll help. " We all say in unison cutting her off. After we all just laugh.
After school we come back to my house to do homework and study. We all go in my room. When we are done we get a little bored so I go to my desk and open my computer. It's 6:00. I search around and find a dock. We decide to go there. It has little shops and in the picture it looks so pretty at night. We go downstairs and I tell my mom that we're going out. We leave and get in Thomas's car. We get to the dock and I immediately see an ice cream shop. I turn around and look at Lance. He groans but he is just playing. We interlock our hands. He buys me ice cream and then Cree and Jade look at the guys and they buy them ice cream. I laugh. We sit down at the dock. Lance wraps his arm around my waist and I put my head on his shoulder. When the stars started to come out it looked so pretty. The moonlight shining on the water made it sparkle and it looked so beautiful. I looked at Lance. He came closer to me until there was no space left between us. Then he kissed me. I completely forgot we were with our friends until someone cleared there throat. " Get a room!" I hear Jade say and I feel the warmth go to my cheeks. We all laugh. We realize that it was pretty late so we head back to my house. When we get there everyone leaves except Lance. We watch a movie. Lance's head was on my lap while I was running my hands through his hair. He sat up suddenly and looked me in the eyes. Then he kissed me. He wrapped his hands around my waste and I wrapped my hands around his neck. The kiss became a heated make out session. I gently pulled the hair on the back of Lance's head while he was moving his hands lower down my back until they reached my butt. He was pulling the bottom of my shirt up until we heard someone clear their throat. We ended the kiss quickly. I looked up and it was my mom. "Uh, hey mom." I say looking down at my hands. " I'm going to be in my office. Be responsible." She said raising her eyebrows at us. " Oh! Mom!" I say covering my eyes. My mom is always so strict on sex. She always thought I would get pregnant or something like that. I turn back to look at Lance when my mom leaves. " What are all these kisses about?" I ask scooting closer to Lance and placed my head on his shoulder. " Can't a boyfriend express his undying love to his girlfriend?" He says placing his hand over his heart. " Why are you always so dramatic?" I ask him chuckling. " You love it when I'm dramatic." He says and kisses my forehead. After awhile I start to get tired. Lance leaves and I go to my room. Just as I'm about to go to sleep I get a text from Jade.
Cherry cola: Ik ur probably sleeping but I have an emergency
Me: What happened
Cherry cola: I can't pick out an outfit for tomorrow! I've narrowed it down to 2 options
Me: I really hate u rn for disturbing my peace
Cherry cola: Can u just help me plz
Me: Ugh fine
Cherry cola: Yay
Cherry cola: I could wear my yellow sundress with light brown wedges or my ripped blue jeans with my floral crop top with white vans
Me: I think you should wear the jeans with the crop top and vans
Cherry cola: Well I want to wear the sundress and wedges
Me: So y did u ask for my help if u already knew what u were gonna wear
Cherry cola: Well I thought u would pick the one I wanted
Me: I'm rolling my eyes rn
Cherry cola: Keep doing that and they'll get stuck like that
Me: Ok I'll keep that in mind
Me: Anyway I'm going to bed so I'll see u at school
Me: Gn
Cherry cola: Gn
After I finish texting Jade I put my phone on the charger and go get ready for bed. After that I fall asleep soon after.

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant