Chapter 21

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Brea's POV
Lance is currently helping Cree up while Ricardo and Thomas beat up Daniel. I see Kale sneaking up behind Lance with a knife. " Lance watch out!" I yell but I'm too late. Just as Lance is turning around Kale stabs him in the side. " Nooo!" I yell out. " Lance" I whisper to myself. I feel the tears well up in my eyes and the tears immediately fall down my face. I feel someone behind me and it's Thomas taking the tape of me. When he's done I immediately run to Lance and hold him in my arms. " Lance. Lance please stay with me." I start to cry even more. " Brea" He says in a low raspy voice. " shhhhh. Don't speak." I shush him. I look into his eyes and there starting to close.
" No no no Lance you gotta keep your eyes open." I say while tapping his face gently. " Brea, I'm trying but I'm tired." He says while closing his eyes again. I here the sirens of the police car. " Go lead them over here." I tell Ricardo. " and tell them to bring a medic." I look at Lance and his eyes are closed. "Lance. Lance wake up." he didn't move. This can't be happening. " Lance come on. You can't leave me like this." I say with tears coming out of my eyes. Suddenly the cops run in with a medic. They take Kale and Daniel away and the medic comes to me and Lance. He puts his two fingers on Lance's neck.
" There's still a pulse." The medic says and another medic brings in a stretcher and they put Lance on it. When we got in the ambulance they pulled the knife out and started cleaning his wound. There was a lot of blood. So much blood. The medics were moving really fast. When they were done they wrapped his wound. I still see a lot of blood. Looking at it made me really dizzy and light headed. " can I- can I have some water?" I ask one of the medics. He shakes his head no. I feel like I'm gonna faint. We pulled up to the hospital and the medics pulled Lance out of the car and lead him to a room. I quickly followed after them but they stopped me. " w-whats going on! Let me see him. Let me see him!" I yell at the Doctors and nurses. " Miss, he has to go into surgery." The nurse tells me while holding me back. " What for?" I yell at her. " one. We have to examine his wound to see if there is any infections and two we have to stitch it up." she tells me calmly. " well how long will that take?" I asked her felling a little worried. " I don't exactly know." she says looking down. " What the fuck do you mean you don't know?" I was getting mad because she didn't know the information. " Miss, your just gonna have to wait." she says leading me the other way. I go sit down and wait. After about an hour of waiting the doctor finally called me into Lances room. When I saw Lance I immediately wanted to cry. Why was a tube on his mouth? " Umm why is he on life support?" I ask walking up to Lance. " We lost him and we brought him back but he has to stay on life support until he can support himself." I nod and go sit in the chair next to him.
Ricardo and Thomas came to the hospital to pick me up. I didn't want to leave Lance by himself but I'll just come back when I finish my stuff.

We went to Ricardo's house so I can shower and change my clothes. When I got in the shower I saw all the bruises and marks from being held captive. I started crying in the shower and I'm pretty sure they heard me because Jade and Cree came and asked me of I was okay. I lied to them and told them that I was fine. I wonder if they were going through what I was going through. When I got out of the shower I saw some of my clothes on Ricardo's bed. I guess they got some of my clothes from my house. I changed into them and went down stairs. When I was down stairs I saw Ricardo and Jade cuddling. " I guess you two got back together." I say with a chuckle. " Yup. I can't afford to lose her." Ricardo says kissing Jade's cheek. I start to miss Lance so I go to Thomas and ask to speak with him. "  Umm can you take me back to Lance please?" I asked feeling a little weird being alone with him. " Sure. We were all gonna go see him anyway." He says smiling at me. I smiled back and went to sit down. I was starting to get really anxious. I just wanted to see Lance and check if he woke up or not. I wanted to be there when he did. Finally we left for the hospital. When we got there Lance still hadn't woken up. I know it been only a day but I just wish he would wake up already. I brought some clothes to hospital because I didn't plan on leaving again. I was not gonna leave his side until he was out of the hospital and I will still be by his side when he's out. It was getting really late so I decided to go to sleep.

A/N: Please check out my Friend PurpleBunny102 's book " Life is hard"

Thank you guys for reading and voting for my book. It means a lot.

Love ya

In the Name of Love( A Nick FanFiction)❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now