pickup lines // Jeremy

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In which Jeremy's pickup lines are lit.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

You groan at your boyfriend's obnoxiously bad pickup line.

"Jer, stop!" You whine. You'd put up with it for a solid twenty minutes now, having no idea how the boy had manage to remember so many ridiculously cheesy and rather stupid pickup lines.

"Are you from Tennessee, because you're the only ten I see." You growl again with frustration before looking at your giggling boyfriend.

"Jer, shut up!" You grumble, sinking your face into your mattress as he continued to push your buttons, seeing how far he could piss you off, but he always managed to do it in a cute way.

"I think they cast me as the wrong character, because you got me stuttering like Bill."

"JEREMY RAY TAYLOR! SHUT YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE!" You yell angrily, rubbing your temples. Jeremy strained, refraining from a giggle as he snapped his fingers sassily.

"Make me." You push yourself up from your down facing position on your queen bed and sat in front of the boy, pushing your lips onto his rather feverishly. Jeremy kisses back before pulling away, cheeks blood red and eyes wide with shock.

"Thank god." You sigh with relief before lying beside him and putting on Netflix.

Ugh, this is so short. I hope you like it tho.

Word count including synopsis: 232 words

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