27 pt.2

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Three Years Later
"You look so beautiful," Cami says as she puts the last bobby-pins into my hair.

"Definitely. We're really happy for you Violetta. Your crippled leg can't stop you from being beautiful," Fran agreed as she looked around me to make sure there were no rips or loose threads in my dress.

After three minutes of Fran checking every single inch of my dress, the two of them leave the room to go wait for me to come out.
The music starts playing as I walk down the aisle. Everyone was standing and looking at me. I see them smiling and crying as I walk past.

I wipe my eyes when I get to Leon.

"I love you," Leon whispers and we wait at the alter as the song comes to a close with our foreheads and fingers locked together.

"We gather here today for the marriage of Violetta Saramego and Leon Vargas. The two will share their vows at this time," the pastor says and Leon starts.

"Violetta Maria Saramego, we have gone through so much with Federico taking you to your injuries from the falling debris three and a half years ago. I love you and I hope that we will be able to come together and be a family," Leon vows while staring right into my eyes the entire time.

"Leon Vargas, I don't have much to say other than thank you. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts those ten years we spent apart. I may not be completely able-bodied and able-minded, but you give me strength to continue on in these hard times, mentally and physically. I love you and I hope that we can stay together for all eternity," I finish and we put on each other's rings.

Once we finish, we lean in and our lips meet in our first kiss of being husband and wife.
That night, we get home and crash onto the couch after changing and end up watching movies until we fell asleep.
The next morning, I wake up on top of Leon on the couch.

Soft snores were coming from Leon as I lay there and remember what had happened the day before.

Leon wakes up shortly after and we get breakfast. While we were eating, there was a knock at the door.

I go over and answer it to see a policeman standing at the door.

"Ma'am, Diego Hernandez has escaped from prison."

I curse under my breath. We had sent him to jail two years ago for a ten year sentence and now he has escaped.

Uh oh...
So, what do you think? How did Diego escape? Tell me your thoughts in the comments.
Hope you enjoyed! See you in chapter twenty-eight!

You Belong to Me *Violetta*Where stories live. Discover now