Agent(3)-Hank x reader

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You finished scanning the park, it was safe. No sign of Velasquez's men. You thought of getting back home to get ready to follow Palmer around, but you saw a coffee shop near the exit, and decided that another cup of coffee would be great.

You walked towards the shop and entered, holding the door open for an older lady.

When you turned around, you saw Palmer standing in line for his coffee. You took it as a coincidence, since you didn't know that he actually drink coffee in there.

After you took your cup of coffee, you entered in your car and followed Hank's toward his house.

Damn, it feels stalkish every time, you though as you drove your car after his.

After a while, you arrived in his neighborhood. It was a beautiful one.

He pulled his car in his driveway, and you kept driving ahead. A few houses away, you saw a 'FOR SALE' sign in front of a imposing house. It had big windows, modern architecture, a garage,  a pool and a beautiful garden.

You stopped the car and hopped out. Walking towards the door, on the stone alley, you stopped and knocked at the door.

After a couple of minute, a tall, thin man came opened the door. His eyes were deep sunken, his nose was long and beaked, and his lips were white. That man certainly looked like a nightmare.

''How can I help you?'' the man asked once he opened the door, his British accent protruding.

''I'm interested in buying this house'' you said, trying not to look in his snake-like eyes.

''I am sorry, but this house have already been bought. The owners will arrive tomorrow to occupy the household'' he said sternly.

You then thought you should use your FBI agent card.

You pulled your badge from your pocket and showed it to him.

''Listen to me Mr Johnson. I am here in a special mission from FBI. We need this house for a secret undercover mission'' you said, calmly.

Over the man's face passed a look of surprise.

''How... how did you know my name?''he asked, scared

''It's my job to know everything. Like I know you are watching Desperate Housewives everyday. We're the FBI. We've been following you since you were born, Edwin'' you smiled, but it was all just to scare him away.

''What should I do?''

''Call the people that bought this house and tell them that you can't sell it anymore. Give their money back, and we'll pay you double''

''Alright'' he nodded and pulled out his phone.

You didn't really need to do that, but you liked the house, and it was better than your actual house. The perks of working in FBI, right?

He came back after a couple of minutes.

''Done'' he nodded toward you.

''Okay. Go to the FBI office and tell them I sent you. They'll give you money for the house'' you said and handed him a card.

The guy gave you the house keys and the papers you needed to sign.

You probably won't live in that house after the mission is over, but it was worth a shot, right?

On Sunday night you were already installed in the house, and ready to continue your mission.


A/N: I know, I know. This one was a crap, but the next one will involve action and whatever.

Love, Liv

Word count:563

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