8 The Diner

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POV Hiccup

“Marc, behave!” I see how he just grabbed Merida’s crossbow.  His eyes were shining from excitement. “This is pro! RIGHT?” He turned it around in the air and looked up every corner. “Hands off!” Merida grasped her crossbow back. “Nice friends you have,” she murmured.

“Help a bro out!” I told Marc and then he helped me to drag Ma’ inside the diner. “So how’s work?” I asked from him. “Nice but customer’s run out after seeing the news. Those people didn’t even pay!” He sounded extremely bothered. “Yeah, too bad,” I patted his shoulder.

“Stop chit chatting you two!” Merida snapped. “Yes, we kind of need some help,” Punzie was moving restlessly. “Oh, yeah!” I turned my head back to Marc and I saw him confused. “So you have your own harem now? NICE!” He smirked and I shook my head. “No, could you lend me a hand? A guy got hurt and is still laying near the road. Two of us stayed with him,” he chuckled. “Hell yea I will!”

He ran to his kitchen and in a blink of an eye he returned. He had his belt around him. It was no ordinary belt, it was his special made knife belt. He is the cook and super good with his knives and does hell good food. However he just keeps this diner few miles away from the city even though he got a job offers from high end restaurants. “Let’s go Hic!”

Just when we stepped outside we heard Punzie squealing, “Oh! You’re awake Ma’!” A loud throat sound was now filling the diner and I turned around with Marc. Just then Punzie started to scream. Ma’ was sitting on the table with her eyes blank looking, snapping her jaw. She fell to ground and was crawling towards Punzie who was frozen to her spot.

Just when I reached my back pocket with my spray can to light things up I saw how Marc run forward waving his knives. Looking excited, laughing. He sliced Ma’ so many times that she was now unrecognisable. “Ma’! Gothel!” Punzie was sobbing while holding her hands in front of her mouth. Marc just pierced Ma's head. “How did that happen!” Merida stared at the corpse.

I went to it. “We may find a cause if we examine her,” I lifted Ma’s hand. “Let go, I will do it!” Punzie snapped and kneeled next to her. “She looks just fine except..” She pointed at the cuts in her skin. “Well, doh! Sorry! Just saved your ass,” Marc rolled eyes. “Yeah,” Punzie whispered and unwrapped Ma’s hand. She gasped.

“What?” Merida asked quickly and soon we saw how she was pointing at Ma’s hand. It had a bite mark that was looking really nasty. In the middle it was black but white was spreading from its edges. “Marc? Do you still have our humvees on the back yard?” He laughed, “Yeah I do! Here are your keys mister!” He went to drawer and took a set of keys from there. He threw them to me and I watched the keychain of a black dragon. Toothless was licking my hand.

POV Jack

Drag him!” Words sounding from faraway. The scent of bitter smoke that stings my nose and I feel sick. My head is beating like a heart except it hurts like hell. “We are still too close!” I am starting to feel pressure on my shoulders, something pinching me. Dizziness makes it hard to open my eyes. Slowly I open them and see how a platinum haired woman is leaning over me, her hands are beneath my left arm and there is other girl who does the same to my right arm. Their faces are turned away from me, to the direction where they’re dragging me. I watch straight ahead and see how flames are licking the sky. There is an SUV in full flames.

We need to get him to safety!” The platinum haired girl sounds desperate and she trips in the mud where they’re pulling me. I touch my head and something warm and sticky gets into it. Vivid red blood is what I see when I take my hand in front of my face.

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