25 Love and Despair

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POV Jack

“Hurry, hurry!” Tooth yells to North and Bunny who carry Elsa inside to the secret base called Pole. I am slamming the doors open in front of them. “JAAAAS!” I scream as I ran inside, Jim almost got run over when we were running towards the lab. Sandy was left to close the doors with Mannny.

Soon I see Jas walking in the corridor, checking out her papers. “Jas! To the lab! Hurry!” I yell to her and she cocks her eyebrow, then she sees the others running after me. “What happened?” She gasped. “Gunshot! You must help her!” I pleaded and Jas nodded, her white laboratory coat was waving as she ran with me.

We reached the lab first. “Clear the table!” She ordered me and I pushed her stuff on the ground, all the papers and pens scattered all over the place. She was gathering instruments when North and Bunny placed Elsa to table.

Quickly I leaned my head over Elsa’s mouth. “She isn’t breathing!” I yelled in panic and Tooth looked at me with worried look. Jas groaned and quickly took out defibrillator, “I..I am not sure if I can do it.” I looked at Jas in horror, “Of course you can! You’re a doctor!”

Jas shook her head, “I am a doctor but I haven’t done actual patient work for couple of years.” She stared at the defibrillator pads. “Just do it!” I yelled to her and she nodded. She took out scissors and started to cut open Elsa’s dress. North and Bunny left the room quickly, Tooth was preparing the equipment for surgery.

After Jas had cut a small gap on Elsa’s dress from which she ripped it open. Jas placed rubbed the defibrillators pads together and yelled, “Clear.” I hold my hands in the air while I watched Elsa’s body shake when the electricity went through her body. Jas did it once more after trying out Elsa’s pulse. “She is back again,” Jas whispered and I felt relieved. Some of the pain I was feeling got easier.

“Tooth, give me the surgery knife,” Jas told her when she had cleaned the gunshot wound with disinfectant. I held my hand over my mouth. I hate seeing blood but I will not leave her. Jas inhaled deeply before making the first cut. Her touch was certain and soon I saw her taking out the bullet.

“Jack!” She ordered me. ”Come and keep the wound clean from blood with cloths while I sew it together,” Jas nodded towards me. She had pinched a blood vein between squeezer tool. “B-but,” I mumbled and cold sweat formed on my forehead. “Do it or she will bleed to death! Tooth is already occupied!” Jas nodded towards Tooth who was pumping air into Elsa’s lungs.

With shaking hands I cleaned the wound. I had to do it many times because the blood kept rinsing. “Done!” Jas finally exhaled and started to sew the wound together. My whole body was shivering after the ordeal. The worry and concern filled me when I watched Elsa laying on the table unconscious. I wiped my face to my sleeve and I noticed that I had blood even on my face. I didn’t care this time, the thought of Elsa being in that state made me feel more nauseous than anything else.

Jas touched my shoulder, “Time will tell if she survives. She needs blood transfer since she lost so much blood. I think that she is strong however.” Jas smiled to me and my breathing fastened, became shallow and finally I fell to my knees. With my right hand I held my face and let the tears fall down between my fingers. My back was moving in the phase of my silent tears. I can’t get separated from her again. A memory of us having a discussion rushes to my mind, our confession of our feelings. It is like a knife had been hit to my heart right now.

For two whole days I stayed by her side, holding her hand and trying to stay awake. Everything around me seemed to be in a standstill. I noticed figures around me, perhaps Tooth and the other guardians, trying to speak with me. Only problem was that I could only see her, how she struggled and was in pain.

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