13 Come and Save Me!

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A/N: Here comes the chapter I promised to you guys! I LOVE YOU! Take some weapons *throws her bag*

POV Jack

“Let me go!” I try to shake Mulan off from me. I am watching how my new friends are being hurt. Pitch especially is making me angry, how dare he touch her! I clenched my fist and tried to jump down. “No!” Mulan exhales. ”You need a plan. That would be a suicide!” I watch at the girl with black hair and dark eyes, she is asian.

“Yeah, you are right,” I whisper. She really was since in matter of moments they had beaten up Hiccup and his dog. They use the surprise as their advantage. “How do you know them?” Mulan narrowed her eyes and pointed my chest with knife.

“Take it easy!” I exhaled when the knife painfully pressed against me. “Well, mister?” She hissed. ”My name is Jack Frost, before I was Jack Overland.” I sighed. “My life hasn’t been easy and I hanged around with wrong type of people before a talent seeker saw me running away from cops.” Mulan stared at me. “The talent seeker was amazed by my ability to run over objects and then my road to fame was opened. Pitch was the leader of the gang where I was.” I really am ashamed to admit this.

The knife slowly pulled away from me. “Alright Frost. Those were your friends?” I nod to her and glance over the edge. They are going to backdoor. “They are having a head quarter in police station that got abandoned last night,” she whispered to me and jumped down from the roof of the hamburger stand.

“You coming?” She asked quickly. ”Yeah!” I jumped down and run downstairs. They left the crossbow, Hiccups armor and my staff. When I picked up the staff I saw blood stains on the floor and a strand of platinum blonde hair. Suddenly I hear whining sound and see that Toothless is limbing towards me. “Come here boy,” I whisper to it and feel how he licks my hand.

I rose up after I packed the crossbow and Hiccups armor to a bag. I threw the bag on my shoulder and gently lifted Toothless to my arms. “Lead the way!” I ordered Mulan and she run in front. It was hard for me to run like this, holding the dog and the fully stuffed bag. However we need to act fast. I know Pitch, he will do the worst to people.

The exit doors slam open to the yard. It is afternoon already and the sun has warmed up the weather. The asphalt feels hot against my feet, almost burning them. I didn’t have time to look out for shoes and I won’t actually need them.

The streets are roaming with the undead. Sometimes we hear screaming when some of the survivors are attacked in different places at the city. We try to avoid the busiest places. From corner of my eye I can see some people peeking outside between their curtains. People are hiding but we decided to act.

“In here!” Mulan yells and does a hard curve to right. Soon we see the police station. I run to her and place my hand over her shoulder. “Wait here with Toothless,” I drop everything else except my staff. “I will come back soon.” She nods to me and I run to the station.

My back is against the cold brick wall and I listen under the window. Nothing. I jump up and pull myself inside the window. I see no one. My staff is in my front, I am ready to cover myself. Slowly I walk further inside and see a dark corridor in front of me. I swallow and slowly enter the door that lead to that corridor.

“Trying to be clever?” Someone says sarcastically and I turn around. It is Pitch and he hits me hard. My head bends backwards from the power of his fist and I fell. My head hits to something and I feel how my skin tears from the impact. Sticky, warm blood is running over my forehead. My eyes feel heavy and I can’t hear what Pitch is saying anymore. The world is blurry and I close my eyes.

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