Chapter 8- Graduation Jitters

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Darn it. It's like three in the morning, and my full bladder has been poking me for a while. It has only been like two hours since I have finally fallen asleep because of overthinking, and I really hope that I can go back to sleep right away after releasing these liquid wastes out of me. It's also really cold tonight and I don't want to lift the warm comforter away from my body, but I can't hold my bladder's scandalous demands anymore.

A lot of emotions are pestering me. I'm excited about my graduation later, and anxious at the same time. I'm having these weird, tingly feelings in my gums whenever I think about what will happen later. This is so much different from our high school graduation where everything was just carefree and chill, and you only got to think about being finally away from those people you don't like. College is kind of serious, nostalgic, and more in the "Life is happening" kind of way, that's why I want to be with my loved ones later as I close this memorable chapter in my life.

Also, at the same space in my brain, I'm worried about Xander, about the board's decision, as well as the possibility of him not being able to come to the ceremony...

And flying out to L.A. to see his ex, right?

Great. Here we go again with this stupid paranoia. I really want him to be there with my family later...Just imagining our picture-taking after the ceremony without him kills me.

My bladder is now shouting at me frantically, having its tantrums inside my pelvic area. I blindly get up from the bed without turning the lights on, making sure not to wake Xander up who seems to be sleeping peacefully beside me.

And just after a few moments of mincing towards the bathroom's direction, someone speaks up of a sudden.

"What the fuck, Em. It's freaking three in the morning!"


I audibly gasp at Xander's gravelly voice, and even though I can't see his face in the dark, I am pretty sure that it is twisted into annoyance. It definitely surprised me, as this is the first time that he called me like that. He must be really mad...

"Sorry baby...I just need to pee." I softly apologize.

Uhm, Dear? I think I know why he's mad at you for disturbing his sleep...

Why? I stupidly ask my very own subconscious.

Sixty-nine words: Wet dreams.

I shrug my shoulders at my ridiculous thoughts and continue to tread my way towards the adjoining bathroom. As soon as I open the door, I gasped upon seeing Mom pouring something in the sink. I always lock my door whenever Xander sleeps here with me for privacy reasons, so she must have entered from Lance's room.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I ask her with a questioning look.

"This milk is expired. It might destroy your stomach later and make you shit in your pants as you get your diploma," she mutters while gripping the upside-down carton that she is holding from where the milk is pouring out.

"But why here? Can't you do that in the kitchen?" I walk closer to her, completely wondering.

"It's because you're beautiful." She weirdly answers with a genuine smile to offer.

Wait, what?

My eyes gaze down at the carton and notice that the flowing out of milk seems endless like there's a faucet of it in there.

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