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Ponyboys P.O.V

I get home and find Blair asleep on the floor watching a show. I smile and pick her up since she's pretty light. She so beautiful when she sleeps and even when she's awake but all in all she beautiful.

I carry her to the room and she awakes

"C-can you stay here and protect me" she says drowsily. I'm scared of mom" I guess she's having a dream that I'm Noel.

"S-sure" I say holding her close to me she soon falls into a deep sleep but I'm scared she will awake in fear again.

And suddenly Noel walks in right as I kiss her on top of the head

"What are you doing!" She exclaims and pulls her away.

"I-I'm so sorry I just.." I stutter.

"You just what!" Noel yells.

"I'm sorry I'm just over protective." Noel apologizes and I shrug.

"It's fine I shouldn't have-"

"She would have loved it if she was awake." She looks down and says to the child in her arms.

"Now get the hell out." She jokes and I laugh. I wrap the blanket around her and then get out of the room.

"Why were you in the girls room?" Darry asks and I sigh.

"Blair fell asleep and then she woke up with night terrors so I stayed with her." I explain.

"Stay away from them, Okay? There's already enough goddamn flirting going on." I laugh as I walk me and Sodas room thinking about Blair and her beautiful sleeping face.

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