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Johnny pov

I wake up unable to feel the lower half of my body. I look around and I see Dawn in a corner, still pregnant. I hear the door open and I see Darry, of course with news paper and two coffees.

"Has he woken yet?" Darry asks with concern in his voice

"No." Dawn says in a sad tone.

"D-Dawn" I finally get out. She jumps up like she just saw a ghost. She runs over to me and grabs my hand.

"Johnnycakes, I got you, you're safe now." she tells me in a very soothing voice.

"D-Dawn." I say again it's the only thing I can seem to muster up but I want Dawn to know if I die, she needs to go on with living.

"D-Darry." I say and Darry drops everything and grabs my other hand

"I'm here little buddy." he says and I try to squeeze there hand but can't muster the power.

"Johnny," I hear someone say from the doorframe it's Pony and Two-bit. I ask them questions and they show me my face in the papers.

"Two-Bit can you get me another copy of a book?" I ask and Pony tells him about Gone with the wind and he exits the room.

Dawn has to find a seat, her belly bigger than ever, must be about to pop.

"Dawn, when are you due?" I ask, somehow.

"Any day now." she replies looking up at Darry. The nurse walks into the room.

"Johnny your mother's here to see you." she says as I hear a cart rattling around.

"Oh yea, tell her I don't want to see her." I say with rage in my voice.

Dawn stands up and walks outside. As soon as she steps out there,I can hear screaming

"You little slut, I can't believe your pregnant!" Mom yells.

"Oh yea? Well at least I won't beat the crap out of my children!"

"You bitch!" And before anyone can do anything Noel walks in.

"What the hell is going on?!" I hear Noel yell in the hallway and everyone smiles at what she might say.

"This isn't about you Noel." Dawn tells her calmly.

"What's wrong with you? You're so lazy that you can't even breathe on your own anymore?" Mom taunts and Noel laughs.

"Yeah.. Yeah that's what happened. While I was helping my thirteen year old sister with everything that she needed help with but I bet that you would never understand what's that like. So a very big fuck you to you from me and my baby." She says as she walks into the room with her oxygen with her and everyone laughs.

But suddenly I get swallowed by darkness and I fall into a deep dark sleep, not wanting to die.

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