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Two-Bit's P.O.V

"Hey what's goin on?! We didn't do anything!" Soda yells as we walk into the police station. We were all hauled into the station but I don't understand why.

"We found a young man's body in the park this morning.. he has been identified as Bob Sheldon. Ring a bell?" The police officer asks and we all shake our heads.

"Well.. We also noticed that several suspects went missing last night." She didn't have to tell us we were all already worried sick.

"Suspects? These are our friends out there. One of them is pregnant and you're more worried about jailing them then you are about finding them." Ashton snaps.

"I believe the suspects are.. Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade and Noel Jackson.. huh. I've seen her in here more than once." She says and we all look at each other.

"What do you mean you've seen her in here more than once?" I ask and Blair looks at her feet.

"Well she got caught for underage drinking, stealing, fighting and she got sent to the cooler for a while." She explains and Blair walks out the door.

"Listen she's pregnant and she has breathing problems.. I don't know where they went." Darry says firmly.

"I know where they are." Dally speaks up and we all turn to him.

"They told me they were on their way to Texas.. Yeah. Little broad is a sneaky thing, ain't she officer?" He says and I shake my head.

"I'm going to Texas." I blurt out.

"Woah, woah, woah man. They're fine. Texas is pretty safe. They'll be fine." Dally tries to convince me but it doesn't work.

"How many weeks pregnant is she?" The police officer asks and I shrug.

"About.. two or three. I don't know." I answer and she nods as she writes the information down on a piece of paper.

"Don't worry kids.. we'll find them." She promises as she starts to usher us out of the station. When we are finally outside I start to pace thinking about the possibilities.

"They could get killed." I think to myself. Blair is crying in a corner as Ashton basically looks like she's ready to kill Dally while Dawn is shaking and looks scared out of her mind. Darry just stands there not knowing what to do.

"I would kill myself if anything happens to her." I mumble quietly and then I stop. Do I like Noel?

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