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Me and my co-writer did talk and we decided that we should at least give this story an ending so no unanswered questions are left. So without further ado here's the chapter ~Maddie

When we get back to the house, it's brutal. Dawn is crying her eyes out along with Blair, Ashton is having a private moment with Dally because we know neither of them like to cry in front of people, Soda is just sitting in a daze along with Pony, and Noel was pacing the room with Two-Bit watching her closely.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." We hear her mumble. She faces us and her green eyes are alive but there is also a dead feeling to them.

"He got me out when I should have gotten him out.. It should have been me! I should be dead!" She starts yelling and we all stare at her.

She walks over to the wall and start hitting it which Two-Bit doesn't allow her to do for long. He gets up and walks over to her but she just keeps to hit the wall as he tries to pull her away. In the end it took Me, Two-Bit, Dally, Sodapop,and Pony to wrestle her to the ground and get her to calm down.

"Make it stop." She pleads.

"Make what stop?" Pony asks.

"Make it stop." She repeats and we all look at each other.

"Princess you have to tell us what to stop." Two-Bit tells her.

"This." She begins to cry and we all cringe, we hate seeing any of these girls cry.

"Um.. Darry." I hear Dawn say and I turn around and see water on the floor. I grow wide eyed as she stands up.

"Are you sure?" I question and she nods.

"Wait what?" Pony asks.

"I just went into labor." She says and everyone starts panicking. I run into the nursery and grab the baby bag and we all rush out to the car.

"This hurts." She whines as I hold her hand. When we get to the hospital everyone rushes up to the front desk.

"Hi my girlfriend just went into labor." I say quickly and she nods.

"Okay.. but we can only have one person present for the birth." She tells us and everyone takes a step back. I stare at them and they all nod. The next thing I know we're being whisked down the hallway and it's hits me that this is happening.

I am going to be a father.

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