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Darry pov

Dally, pony, and Johnny head out to the Dingo after the movie and Blair and Ashton join them. So mostly the only ones in the house is Dawn,Noel, Soda and me.

We all decide to stay home and watch a movie and that plan works out pretty well.

Dawn lays across my body in attemp to get comfortable. She rest her head against my chest. I love Dawn and I plan on spending the rest of my life with her but then again, anything can happen

I want to marry her but then again we have only known each other for about a month so I don't think any of us are ready.

But then again I am

She looks up at me with her big beautiful blue grey eyes and I can't help but kiss her. Her full lips against mine feels amazing.

"Get a room you too." Soda says in a disgusted voice

"What about us" Noel laughs.

"No," Darry says.

"Ain't no baby making gonna happen in this house"

"What about y'all?" Soda says in sarcastic tone

"That's a different story," I say

"We are of age and can get married at any time"

"So were gettin married." I smirk

"Yeah." she says jokingly.

It's around two o'clock in the morning and I'm furious at pony as soon as he comes home he's gettin ripped a new one.


What did I do? I just hit pony and Dawn's pissed off at me.


Dawn comes home in tears

"Are you ok-" I get cutoff by Dawn smacking me in the face

"Why the fuck would you do that!" I yell

"They fucking have Ashton and Blair!" She screams and I notice Noel standing in the doorway as soon as the words leave her mouth. Noel drops to the floor in a mop of tears and screams.

She cried all night with Noel. Noel is obviously more upset than Dawn is. I try to calm her down but there's no way that I can. After a while I hear the front door open and I know it's Pony.

"Where the he-" I'm cut off by Dawn kissing me giving him just enough time to run to his room. I sigh as we turn out attention back to Noel who was now rocking back and forth.

"I want to die. I want to die. I want to die. I want to die." She whispers over and over again until she falls asleep and we know that if we don't get them back.. Noel will end up killing herself.

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