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Ponyboy's P.O.V

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I hear a familiar voice scream. We all turn and see Noel and Two-Bit running toward us.

"Listen honey, we don't want any trouble." One Soc starts as they approach us.

"Really because you're messing with my cousin so you obviously want trouble." She snaps at them as I see Two-Bit pull out his switch.

"Well such a pretty girl doesn't deserve bruises." One smiles and she just smirks.

"You're right but that's such a bad thing to call yourself isn't it?" She questions and I smile at her.

"Let me make you a deal.. You let go of my cousin and you'll be fine or you don't let go of my cousin and you will get kicked in the middle of your legs.. But you know it is your choice." She smiles sweetly at them and Two-Bit and he puts the switch back in his pocket.

"We ain't afraid of no little-" He is cut off when her fist makes contact with the Socs face. He drops to the ground covering his face and when he takes his hand off his face his nose and mouth are bleeding. She pulls me from the ground abruptly and the Socs don't move.

"Get him!" I hear deep voices yell and Noel rolls her eyes.

"For Pete's sake." She mutters as she looks at me.

"You okay buddy?" She asks and I nod.

"I'm fine." I shrug her off but she makes contact with the cut on my throat and I wince.

"You dirty liar." She whispers only loud enough for me to hear and I laugh.

"I'm fine El. Really." I tell her and she squints at me.

"Is he okay?" I hear Darry ask as he walks over.

"He seems fine. Got cut up a bit." She says and I sigh. All of a sudden Soda runs up and Noel walks away.

"I saw the Socs car and heard screaming a couple minutes later. I ran the rest of the way here, it was only a little bit." He explains to Darry, out of breath.

"I'm fine." I repeat again.

"Were you carryin a switch?" Darry asks.

"Well.. No but-"

"But nothing. You never use your head Ponyboy." He says as Noel rolls her eyes and I know she wants to say something.

"Aw Darry lay off the kid." Soda pipes up.

"Yeah Dar. You have to understand that fourteen year old boys aren't always gonna use their heads." Noel says and I smile at her. She is perched upon the car, smirking and looking proud of her comment.

"I did." Darry says and she rolls her eyes.

"Really Darrel? And what did you use your head to think about when you were fourteen?" She questions as she jumps off of the car.

"I.. Uh.. I thought about football and school." He stammers and she raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, okay. That's believable." Darry sighs obviously frustrated as he walks away.

"What did you think about when you were fourteen Pop?" She asks as she puts her elbow on his shoulder and looks up at him.

"Girls mostly. What about you? What did the oh so great and powerful Noel think about when she was fourteen?" He questions and she shrugs.

"I mostly wondered where my dad was." She admits and Soda's smile drops.

"Go inside Pony. Blair will take care of your cut." Noel tells me and I nod as I walk away, leaving them alone.

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