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Noel's P.O.V

I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of knocking on the window. I quickly open the window and find Ponyboy and Johnny standing there.

"What are y'all doing out this late? Pony you know Darry is going to be pissed." I say and I notice Pony has a bruise on the side of his face.

"Glory, kid. I'll be right out." I tell them as I shut the window. I grab a hoodie and my chucks and then quietly go out the front door.

"Pony what happened?" I ask as I look at his bruise.

"Me and Johnny fell asleep in the lot. Darry got mad and hit me. Dawn was yellin too." He explains and I nod.

"I understand why Dawn would be yellin. Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine." He say but I don't buy it.

"Let's go to the park you can explain more to me on the way." I suggest as we start walking to the park. They tell me how Dally was being annoying to the girls at the movies and how their boyfriends almost got into a fight with them and Two-Bit, which Two-Bit "forgot" to tell me. We get to the park and I notice a blue mustang circling the park.

"If they're looking for a fight you guys try to get out of here as fast as possible. Do you understand?" I tell them and they nod. The mustang pulls up to us and seven Socs get out of the car.

"Well well well are these the greasers who tried to pick up our ladies?" One of them slurs and I look over at Pony and Johnny who look terrified.

"Looks like they got one of their own instead." Another one says and I roll my eyes.

"Leave them alone.. they're just kids." I say and they all look at me.

"Our fight isn't with you darling so I suggest you back off." I recognize the Soc, Bob Sheldon. Nothing special, just another Soc really.

"Why? Because it'll make you feel superior?" I question and Pony laughs.

"You think that's funny? We'll show you something funny. Get em guys." Bob says and before I can even blink Pony and Johnny are pulled away from me and I'm shoved to the ground. I see Pony getting dragged to the small fountain and I start yelling.

"Pony!" I yell as I try to stand up but I am knocked down again by one of the two Socs that were next to me.

"They're killing him!" I scream at the Socs and they laugh.

"That's the point sweetheart." One of them laughs.

"He's only fourteen!" I yell as I stand up and try to run to Pony. I get to the fountain but only to be pushed into the water. I quickly stand up and try to grab Pony but I ultimately fail. All of a sudden one of the Socs, Bob, go limp and falls to the ground. Johnny stands there with his switch in his hand and I notice it's covered with blood. The rest of the Socs run and I pull Pony out of the fountain. He's unconscious but he's breathing.

"Johnny.." I say quietly as he stares at Bob's body. I pull him away from the body and hug him tight. He cries into my already wet hoodie and I sigh. I feel like I'm going to be sick and I can't tell if it's because of the situation or because I'm pregnant. Pony wakes up eventually and we quickly decided to go find Dally, knowing him he's probably been in a murder case once or twice.

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