Luke sick

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Luke: 15
Ashton: 19
Calum: 17

Luke's POV
I woke up at 1 a.m. feeling extremely sweaty. I realized I had a raging headache and stomachache. "Ugh," I groaned. I sat up on my bed and stared at the wall for a few seconds, then stood up. I felt really weak and shaky, but made my way downstairs for some water and stomach relaxers. I also took some ibuprofen for my head. I waited a few minutes, then slowly made my way back upstairs. I plopped down on my bed and couldn't fall asleep, even though I was super tired. At about 4, I finally fell asleep.

Ashton's POV:
I woke up around 7, and went to wake up the others. We had an interview at 9. I got Michael and Calum up first, being that they're the hardest to wake up in the morning. Luke was usually easy to wake up. He loved mornings. I went into his room, and to my surprise, he wasn't waking up easily. "Mmmm," he groaned opening his eyes. "Come on Luke, we have to be to the interview at 9."

"No Ash, no let me sleep. I'm so so tired," mumbled Luke, before drifting back to sleep.

Hm. I wonder what's gotten into him this morning. Maybe he didn't sleep well. I figured I'd let him sleep for another hour while we all pack our stuff that we need for the day. We have 2 interviews, sound check, and a concert. The first interview is at 9, and the 2nd is at 4. I went downstairs and found Michael and Calum cooking breakfast.
"Mmmm smells good guys!" I said while coming into the kitchen.

They looked at me awkwardly.
"Where's Luke?" Asked Michael.

"He's still sleeping. I tried waking him and he said no let me sleep and just fell asleep again super fast," I explained to them.

"Hm that's not like Luke."

"I know, but I'll let him sleep for a while and see what's going on later."

"Okay, food is done. Should we wake Luke for food?"

"I don't think so. It's only been like 20 minutes, he usually just eats a granola bar anyways."

"Okay," said Michael.

It was about 8 now and I had to wake up luke. "Luke buddy, wake up," I said softly. Like rolled around and sat up fast. "Owwww," He whimpered. "Fucking hell that hurts." He started to get tears in his eyes and I became very worried. Being that he's 15 and young for a band, we all are very protective of him. "Gosh Luke, what's wrong? Don't cry hey it's okay. What's hurting?" I asked.

"M-my head it it r-re-really h-hurts oww."

"Awe I'll get you some medicine."

"I really need to lay down Ash. Do I have to get up? It really hurts," he whimpered.

"Yes I'm sorry buddy but we have an interview."

I helped him up and got him downstairs. He layed in the couch and I got him some medicine. I told the boys what was happening and they were concerned too. We don't like seeing our little Lukey in pain. I carried Luke to the car since he could barely keep his eyes open. We were now on our way to the first interview.

Luke's POV:
I felt awful. My head was killing me and my stomach was turning and hurting like hell. I only told Ash about my head because I didn't wanna cause more concern and ruin today. But I don't know how much longer I could go without saying something. I began to feel very nauseous. Suddenly I felt the bile wanting to come up. I frantically looked at Ash.


"What's up, you okay?"

I shook my head no and couldn't talk anymore without puking.

"Luke you gotta talk to me okay?"

I shook my head again covering my mouth tying to let him know what was going on. He finally realized, and suddenly got into action.

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