Chapter 8.

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It's 16h00 and I'm freezing cold. When I left the house in the morning, the weather was perfectly fine. Just during lunch, it started raining and now that I stayed at the school's library to do a research for my Chemistry Assignment that is due on Monday, the weather decided to change from thirty degrees to one degree.

So, it happened that the bus left thirty minutes ago, and I have to walk home. Thank God we moved from our old town, or else, I would have taken a taxi or called my Mom and waited for her for two hours. But because where we live is closer to the School and my Mom's work, I won't take much time to get home.

My phone battery is about to die, so before it does, I plug in my earphones and listen to 'Dust till dawn' by Zayn & Sia.

I don't know why I love these kinds of songs, but I do. I really don't concentrate on the meaning of the lyrics. I just love it because it's a nice song.

Home is not far away from where I am. So, I'm estimating that in five to ten minutes, I'll be there.

So, it's Friday and I have nothing to do when I get home. Maybe I should call Kate to come for a sleepover. Though I doubt her dad would allow that.

I have no idea why her Dad keeps rejecting.

I mean, does he think I'll poison her own daughter? Why would I even do that? It's not like I'm against her daughter's goals or dreams. If I wanted to kill Kate, I would've done that at school.


Wow, I think my skin has turned pink from this cold. I don't even have my jersey with me.

My phone vibrates. It's Kate.

Speak of the devil.

"Hey Kate. What's up?" I say as I answer the phone.

"Oh, nothing much. I'm just checking up on you. Are you home yet?" She says, chowing something crunchy.

"No. No, I'm not home. I'm walking home and freezing cold." I grit my teeth.

"I'm sorry I can't be there to walk with you." She sighs," But did you manage to finish your research?"

"Yeah. I just have to write it neatly. I would lose marks if I had to submit it like thi--"


I hear a bell hooting beside me as I gasp in fright.

It wasn't too loud. But who would hoot their bell at me in this town? Nobody knows me yet.

"Ama, is everything okay?" I hear Kate shouting over the phone.

"Ama?" She continues, "Did you fall again?"

"Look Kate. I'm going to have to call you back." I hang up before she could respond.

Blaze. Again.

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