Chapter 17.

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I get home sweating, like I just ran 1200m

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I get home sweating, like I just ran 1200m. I enter my key and unlock the door, throw my bag on the floor and run upstairs to change before Blaze gets here.

He'll probably arrive in an hour. So, I instead shower to remove the perspiration and smell off my body and hair. I don't know whether to cook or buy pizza. I just hope he brings his own food because I don't think he'll like my cooking like my Mom said or even appreciate a cheap pizza.

I run downstairs with a towel on and water dripping off my hair. I carry my bag and tidy the place. I kind of leave a mess before going to school and clean up after school.

*Knock! Knock! *

I stare at the door for almost a minute with no answer.

*Knock! Knock! *

"Who is it?" I ask with a thud sound.

"Uhm... your study partner!" His tone is too deep I even thought it was my dad.

"Oh... uhm come in." I tell.

Shot... I'm in a towel. He opens the door as I run upstairs before he sees me.

"Why are you in a towel?" I hear shock in his voice.

"Just sit down. I'll be there in five." My voice is full of embarrassment. He might have only saw half my body before I entered and slammed the door.

Great. What a good way to welcome someone. An hour hasn't even passed and he's already here, in my living room. I can't breathe properly.

I dry my hair, put on my enormous shirt with a black jean and my white converse. I check myself for the last time before going downstairs.

Why am I so scared? He's here to study remember. So, act cool, don't embarrass yourself. Just be you.

Okay. Just be me! Just be me!

I know he's cool, flaming hot and stuff but I can control myself. Just three hours then that's it. He'll be out before you know it.

I go downstairs and see him on his phone. He hasn't noticed me yet, which is a good thing. I go to the kitchen and not by surprise, I trip.

What is wrong with me.

"Great, you're done. Took you long enough. Can we get done and over with this?" He gives me a blank mood.


He's wearing a black tight jean, navy blue hoodie and black sneakers. His cologne has filled the house I can barely breathe.

"Yeah... Uhm sorry. Can I pour you juice or water?" I bite my lip nervously.

"I'm cool. Pour yourself, you look like you need it more than I do." He goes back to his phone and laughs at something on it.


Since he doesn't want anything, I make myself popcorns and pour myself juice like he said. I really need it to calm my nerves. My period pains have settled and I'm feeling much better. They just come and strike when I'm least expecting it.

"Right. Let's start. Turn to page 64 and take out the pamphlets Mrs Harrison gave us." I get straight to the point as I sit down. I can feel his eyes on me but I ignore him.

He maybe thinks I'm taciturn, dull or whatever he wants to call me.

I open the textbook and start reading.

"Uhm that's mine." He says.

"Oh. Uhm... I'm so sorry, I'll go get mine." I totally forgot that I took my bag along with me when heading to my room.

I quickly run and get all the things I need. I check myself for the last time before heading back.

Oww." I wince in pain and hold my abdomen. The pain stroke again. I feel his eyes on me. I avoid looking at him to see his reaction.

You can always feel when someone is staring directly at you. The eyes are too pointy, they're even heavy on you.

"Okay. Uhm can we continue?" I say. He's still looking at his phone and smiling at something. I clear my throat to bring him back to life.

"Yeah sure." He looks irritated but I ignore him. I sit down and continue reading and writing notes down.

We spend three and a half hours busy and me trying all my best to explain to him on how to plan and plot his notes. I gave him my book and asked him to make copies of notes in it and bring it back. I'm not comfortable with him being this close to me. His cologne smells so good it's addictive.

While he's busy with an activity, I try to finish my HomeWorks and study some few things. He really does cooperate.

Time flew so quickly I even forgot he's in the room. I thought it would be really awkward but I kept my mind on one thing, Study.

I keep feeling his deep black eyes on me. I haven't made eye contact with him and not planning to. If I look him in the eyes, I'll stutter and make myself a fool and definition of embarrassment.

"I think we've covered everything for this session." I yawn. I'm so tired I can't talk anymore.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yes. Tomorrow. Same time." I pick up my bowl with unfinished popcorns and put my glass in the sink. I go back to the table and pack my books and head upstairs.

I go back down and see him in the kitchen eating my popcorns while he's on his phone. The light flashes his face I almost fell.

I thought he said he was okay with what I offered. That's why I never offered him my popcorns. Even if I did, and he ate, he would have said the salt it too cheap for his tongue, unbearable for his throat and unhealthy for his belly.

"I thought you left." I walk to the table, Tucking my hands in my jean.

"I was. Thank you for helping me. It really means a lot. At least you're not so bad." He smiles and heads to the door.

"It's my pleasure." I offer my welcoming smile back.

Blaze is not bad after all too. I thought he would be rude or judge my talking or something. I know I dress rubbish, talk rubbish and have a rubbish hand writing, but never had he judged me for that. Though I expected him to bring a cloth to dust everything before sitting. He must have judged how small my house is. he'll get used to it since it was his first time entering.

"Oh, and by the way, you haven't said a proper thank you after I dropped you off from Katherine's party." He smiles. I look at him with wide eyes and mouth opened wide.

He closes the door behind him. I hear his engine turning on and leaving my driveway.

I throw my hands on my head with my eyes still wide open.

So, Blaze River was the one carrying me, put me on his soft, leather car seat and took me to my room. How did he even enter the house because it was locked? Why didn't he mention this earlier?

Father of good nations. When I thought it was Kate who gave Abby the directions to my house.

I'm through!

Was hard writing this chapter but I enjoyed... ♡♡
Please note: I've changed the 'Story Description' to something better.

Till next time.


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