Chapter 37.

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"Are you sure you're not dating Blaze River?"

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"Are you sure you're not dating Blaze River?"

I choke from the water, shocked about what Kate just said. Why would she even think that?

"What?! Why would you say that?" I wipe the water off the table.

"First it was the kiss, now you're holding hands around school and exchanging tongues at the lockers."

I look around us, trying to see if anyone heard the lies Kate just said.

"Excuse me. It was a once off kiss and it did not happen at school. What happened at the locker was on him and we've never exchanged that." I roll my eyes.

I know it's all over the school's news that I have a thing going on with Blaze. It has been going on and I seem to not give attention to it. Because there is simply nothing going on.

But what happened yesterday at the locker shocked me. If this happened to someone else, I'd be the first to believe that the two have a thing going on. But because it's me, I say there is nothing going on.

They should believe what they want. But me and Blaze are just study partners. Nothing more.

"But are you sure he doesn't have a thing for you?" She cocks an eyebrow with questioning eyes.

"What's the 'thing' you're talking about?" I air quote the word 'thing'. She has been saying 'thing' and there is a meaning behind it.

She brings her head closer to me and mutters, "I mean... doesn't he perhaps have feelings for you?"

"Kate!" I shout.

"What? Think about it, Ama. Why is he acting like this towards you? You know how Blaze is towards girls. But to you, he's a lot different." She bites her sandwich and bulges her eyes to let me think about it.

"There is no way I'm thinking about that. Because I know it's going to ruin everything for me." I block my ears from anything she's going to say next.

I don't want to ruin my kind of friendship with Blaze. I know sometimes he acts way above the way he used to but I don't take anything he does serious.

Blaze is Blaze. And to girls he's only a womanizer. A sleaziest person.

Lunch is finally over. So, I make my way to Chemistry class. Gosh, I have to deal with Winter's attitude again. He's still mad at me. I don't know why but I'll let him be.

"Hey." I say as I sit next to him.

"Hi." He looks at me for a split second then returns his attention to his books.

I keep quiet and say nothing to him. I'm not gonna say anything because that only upsets him. For all I know, he's acting a little immature.

"Can we talk." He closes his book and looks at me with sad eyes.

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