Chapter 31.

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"Why would you say that?" Eyes wide opened

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"Why would you say that?" Eyes wide opened. I never knew his dad was not his biological father. And why is he telling me this?

"Gosh. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that." He shakes his head, tears popping up his eyes and quickly wipes them away. I hold his shoulder for support, alerting him that it's totally fine. He stares right in my eyes for few seconds, trying my utmost to not break the contact. It obviously gives me chills, biting the inside of my lips to not distract him.

He takes a moment to himself, staring at the sky, then the tree we're under at, then me. His frozen yogurt melts from the bearable heat.

He lets out a loud sigh, his voice shaking. I keep rubbing my hand on his back with a comforting manner. I feel for him. He hasn't said anything but I still feel his pain.

"I was twelve, my biological Father died in a car accident while my Mom was pregnant with my little brother. Three years later, my Mom, a secretary, married her eye surgeon, Darrick. He hated me from the word go, though it wasn't personal. He'd have hated any child who was there. He was violent; grabbing me by the hair and slapping my face, but his main weapon was emotional abuse. Well on that moment. Every single day, no respite. His energy was remarkable; he had an inexhaustible supply of hatred, expended daily, yet burning fiercely for years and years."

"As with most domestic abuse, physical torture was only a part. His was a war of attrition: relentless, humiliating, terrorising, degrading, twisted, petty. He destroyed what mattered to me: a teddy bear my father had bought me. I couldn't protest or express any emotion to my Mom as she was so in love with him. If we crossed a road, he'd dig his nails into my wrist. I felt like my Mom was under a spell."

"Little brother turned four and was well taken care of. But one morning when I woke up, he had a bruise on his neck, Mom tried covering it up, saying he fell but I knew, too, damn well what had happened. He started abusing him. I felt like taking control but noticed I'm still living under their roof. That's when I knew his emotional abuse has turned physical. School started being a problem but I kept my head focused whenever a test would come and I still aced them. English has always been a huge problem for me."

"During the week, we would have a babysitter to take care of the little one until I knocked off from school. But one day I got home and found my little brother locked up in the house and left unattended. His loud, crying, baby tone filling the whole house. I got furious and dialled the babysitter's number, shouting my lungs out why she'd be so careless and leave the baby all alone. She explained that my step father let her go home early, telling her that he'll take care of the baby as he knocked off early. I told my Mom, she only told me she'd talk to Darrick about it. I knew she was lying as she also grew scared of him."

" He would sometimes lock me out of the house without food. I'd sleep in my car the whole night, sometimes for days. My mom had no power over him as he took control over every, single thing in the house. Even my phone."

"I turned 17 and one day I got in a huge fight with him, involving everything that was around us. I threw him with a kitchen stool, knocking him unconscious on the floor. I thought I had killed him. Dialling the ambulance's number as quick as I could. They rushed him to the hospital. He threatened to open a case for me, I told him to go ahead but My mom begged him not to. All I did was care less. I couldn't take his abuse anymore as he started abusing my Mom too. She'd wear a scarf for weeks and all I wished was her wearing it as an accessory and not as a cover up."

"I told my mom I wanted to open a case for him... a protection order. I couldn't take the abuse anymore. As always, Mom wanted to hear nothing from me, telling me she'd talk to him about the abuse. I don't know if she did but it has been two weeks, he hasn't touched any of us. I still don't trust him though."

I have nothing to say, I take him in for a tight hug, resting his head in my shoulder and him hugging me back. He grips my waist and pulls me on his lap, still resting his head and crying in it. I hug him even tighter and wrap my legs around his waist, and I continue rubbing his back.

Shock is an understatement.

I'm outraged!

How could a man be so cruel? Blaze doesn't deserve this. No one does. I have never been physically abused but what Blaze just told me, I feel like I was experiencing the abuse.

I feel an extreme hatred grow, feeling like I could kill him myself. The fact that he ill-treated a young born is even worse. He could be sentenced for life.

"I hate him Lisa." He says, his head still in my shoulder.

"I know... but don't develop that kind of hatred towards him. I know he's a monster and all but don't hate him." I'm trying to find the best, comforting words to cool him down. His hands are still holding me tight on my waist, hands burning the insides of my waist, his neck is boiling hot too.

I have never seen Blaze being so emotional. Or even feeling emotions. He usually blocks them out for me not to see, playing strong and being mean. I don't think he has ever told this to anyone because if he did, he wouldn't feel this emotional.

It feels like he has been bottling up. But he decides to let it all out today, to me.

He finally lets his head out, eyes searching mine, tears wiped off his face and showing no trace of crying. Just the redness in the eyes and nose. He holds the back of my head, eyes still searching before landing on my lips. I stupidly bite my bottom lip from curiosity. Wondering why he's being this intimate.

He looks me in the eyes again, then my lips, then eyes, then lips. My blood flow suddenly increases around my whole body, causing the inner and outer lips to swell and open slightly.

My eyes dart down to his lips and he lightly licks them. My body still rock, stiff. Not moving anything but my eyes and biting my bottom lip. He moves me even closer to his face, just inches away. Feeling his warm breath on my face. He parts his lips slightly, looking from my mouth to my eyes.

Oh gosh...

Then it happened.

His plump, soft lips are meeting mine. Shock covers me for a split second before I shut my eyes and respond back by moving my lips with his. Goosebumps covering my legs, chills down my spine while my head is spinning. It's deep and emotional, but long, soft, searching, extended, inferring there's more to come. He holds me even tighter, my hands searching through his hair.

This feels so wrong yet feels so right. I want more, I want him to never let me go, I want to feel wanted.

I pull my lips away and gently stroke his lower lip with my thumb. Keeping my mouth slightly-open close to his. We both breathe in and out, still inches away from his soft, pink lips. He looks me in the eyes, trying to catch his breath. A small smile twitches the corner of his lips. I close my eyes, regretting the kiss. It felt so good and I still want more. I open my eyes and notice his still on mine.

All that's screaming in my head is, I want more!!

P.s for those who have already read chapter 30. It was a draft one and I had to correct it by unpublishing it. Please re-read it to understand this chapter. Thank you♡

I had so much fun writing this chapter.

The two finally kissed and looks like Amalisa is in too deep.

Till next time.


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