Chapter 18.

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It's Thursday night. Mom decided to come back home really early. We went to the Mall for what? I don't know. I wouldn't have turned her down, I don't have that much work except regular study and an early bed time.

Before leaving the Mall, we entered a Restaurant and ate our supper there, spoke about life and became Best friends again.

I mean, my Mom is my best friend, I wouldn't trade her for anything. She understands me more than anyone.

So now we're in the Car heading home. We pass few cars on the Road and make a stop at a Traffic Light. It's a two-way road, so we give cars a chance to pass and make a turn before it's our turn.

This is basically the first time I feel cold after eating an Ice-cream. So, I put on my Denim Jacket that was lying on the back seat and relax myself on the car seat.

The next thing I see are flesh Lights of a car heading towards us. I mean it's our turn to pass, their turn is over. So, Mom keeps hooting for the driver to stop, but the Car was too fast.


A loud bang was the last thing I heard before I hit my head really hard. Though I was wearing a seatbelt, everything happened so fast.

I open my eyes really slow and take in everything that has happened. I don't know how long I've passed out but my head is spinning and I only see blur everywhere.

What happened here?

Mom was driving perfectly fine and the next thing I see is blur. In my ears, I hear a loud squealing sound, like a lunatic just dropped the Microphone.

I smell smoke and burning tires. It looks like we're trapped in a burning car. She'd just bought me clothes and nice shoes, new furniture for the house and a nice bracelet for herself. She'd never spent like that, but it was all worth it at the end. I still can't believe how she could influence me into buying clothes. For girls on that matter. I really enjoy wearing enormous T-shirts with Jeans. Not princess dresses and other boring girly stuff.

Okay, As I was saying, the car is literally burning. We had a head-on-collision accident.

This is really bad. OMG I'm panicking! What should I do? People don't usually survive in these kinds of accidents!

The other car span its way into a store near the streets. It looks like it killed two or three people excluding them in the car. Well I think so. I just looked out to see if anything horrible has affected the people outside or what? But Blood is gushed everywhere, screams of poorly crying and hurt people, squeal from a little baby and a sudden car exploding with a loud bang.

I can literally hear my heartbeat from my heart into my ears. I can't stabilise my heart and teeth. I'm shaking like a Parkinsonian person. From there it was complete silence from outside.

"Oh my Gosh, I can't die now. No! No! No!" Tears are streaming down my face. I try opening the door but we're really trapped.

Dead bodies are everywhere, Except for me and Mom trying to get out of the burning car. My legs are trapped and bleeding, my head is pounding and tears are falling down my face. On the other hand, Mom had hit the starring wheel with her head, blood falling down her face and into her eyes. She tries wiping everything off her face but time is not on our side. She then rests her head on the car seat and close her eyes.

What if the car had to explode? What if we had to die on the spot?

If it wasn't our time to die, it wouldn't be. Sirens of Ambulances and Police cars start roaring. I didn't know where they came from and from which direction. I manage to escape the car but my feet couldn't bare the walking. I try crawling to her side to at least let her out, Until I heard a set of strong man hands conveying me. I turn to see a Man in a Parametric uniform carrying me to an Ambulance bed. I tried yelling for Mom until I realised, she was lying down on the ground, Police taking pictures of her body and then covered with a white cloth.

"What's going on... Ouch." I hold my bleeding forehead with pain and lie down. "I said, what's going on with my Mom? Why is she covered with a white cloth and not me?" I yell at the Paramedic's guy. I try wiping blood from my face and reading his name tag.

"Look, Miss... everything is under control. You are in safe hands." He tries calming me down but I refuse and push him.

With the pain I'm in, I can't think straight.

These legs are too painful for me to walk. So, I instead yell at my Mom. I yell and yell and yell until my throat hurts. Tears falling down my face with blood in them, people surrounding us everywhere and Mom placed in a different vehicle from mine.

"Where are they taking her?" I yell again. But nothing comes out of his dry black lips.

"Please..." I cry out, "...Can you please tell me what's going on with her? My Mom? She's taken somewhere without me." I plead with tears falling down my face.

A blonde lady with blonde eyebrows suddenly appears in front of my eyes. I try reading her name tag. Gladly, I manage and it's written 'Tina'.

"Uhm Miss. This is a trauma situation. We need you to calm down. We'll like you to fully cooperate as we perform cardiac support for a heart attack that might occur while rushing you to the hospital." She closes the door and suddenly, the car moves.

I suddenly feel dizzy and try closing my eyes. I can't bare the pain anymore. I'll hopefully find Mom at the Hospital being examined.

"Miss, please stay with us. We need you to stay awake. Don't close your eyes." She looks right in my eyes and Stabilizes my head and neck injuries.

"I can't, plea-ah... please help m..." l try by all means to calm myself but it feels like my wounds a being squeezed with lemons. I can't feel my legs anymore; my spinal cord is aching and everything is spinning around.

Please tell me this is a dream?

Till next time
Still love you♡♡

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