Chapter 23.

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I woke up at dawn

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I woke up at dawn. The sun hasn't risen.

I mean three days have already passed. I feel like just yesterday I had just said, 'three days have already passed'. And here I am, saying it again.

I swear this week is flying its way to the top. I can't believe it's already Friday. I feel like Monday was just a day ago.

Yesterday's study was delightful. I had both Winter and Blaze again. We ate pizza that Winter bought but Blaze refused to eat it.

I thought he loved pizza. Well maybe he eats it occasionally... Or just tired of it.

Though Winter ordered Chicken Pizza. I didn't want to be fussy and hard to please... so I just ate.

Mind you... I'm a lover of beef pizza with Pepperoni.

But I'm glad all went well. I'm getting pretty good at this and I'm really delighting it I should say.

Blaze has also been considerable... no provoking names and provoking drama that he does at school.

But what happened yesterday after Winter left really left me outraged. Blaze went to his car and came back with his PlayStation.

I asked if he carries it everywhere, he goes? He chuckled and told me he only came with it from home and thought it would be best to live a little, close books and play PlayStation with him.

And so, we did.

It was astounding. Amazing to suffice. We sat on the same couch and ate Ice-cream. I got insane when he finished the whole of my Ice-cream and that I lost to all game levels. But I didn't show that I was downhearted after I threw the Ice-cream container.

He left really late and there was nothing productive we did about school but PlayStation.

It's nice to live a little.

Back to reality...

It's 4am and I'm still on my phone. playing Candy Crash obviously. I should say I'm quite a champion at this one can beat me at it.

Do I really have to go to school? I mean, I can skip today and just rest.

I sigh and take out my book to keep me busy.

I read my new novel called 'Beside you' as I've already finished 'The fault in our stars'.

I've never cried like this reading a book. I swear my heart was torn apart when Gus died.

I thought Hazel Grace Lancaster would be the one losing her life in that relationship. What warms my heart the most is that, Love does not choose how bad the situation is.

The thing about ' The fault in our stars' is that it manages to tackle something as sensitive as cancer without being too cheesy. It doesn't aspire to inspire or motivate, it just tells a story. It narrates a story. A good one. Despite it not being cheesy, there are some out of the world moments, which warm the heart. So, why wouldn't it be universally loved?

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