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Elijah had always looked forward to poetry night on Fridays. Though sometimes he would sit on his bed which was only big enough for one person and weighed his options of whether he should go or not. He loved poetry night, listening to everyone's own little story about something, whether it be personal or just voicing their options on something. Elijah enjoyed it but every time he walked through the door of the community center he would never bring anything to the plate. Soon enough molly would be asking why he hadn't written anything in the past few weeks, almost a month. 

Elijah could simply tell her he's in a rut, which would undoubtedly be the truth but he couldn't. The more he accept that he couldn't bring anything to a white sheet of paper, that inspiration had stopped flowing from the tip of his pen. He feared he would no longer find the strength to walk through the doors of the community center. There were many people who came to the poetry group to listen but they only stopped by so often. Elijah loved the small area reserved solely for poetry he even sat through countless nights of sitting on the hardness of the folded chair.

That was the place he met Carly and Molly. It bought about new relationships that Elijah was thankful for. Poetry for him was more than just writing down on the sheet of paper, it was putting a piece of your heart if not the whole of it into words, telling the things you found hard to say, shaping them in any form one wished. Poetry was a part of his life yet he couldn't bring the light of life back into it. 

Tonight was different though, he wasn't going to worry as he was too excited and nervous to even think of giving himself a beating before heading to the community center. Elijah had anticipated the day, waiting for evening to fall so he could get ready. The word 'date' rung through his mind like a melodical lullaby, sending him into a world of unexplored emotions that he found a sense of bliss in.

Elijah didn't expect for Scott to say the four letter word. The person he'd admired from afar only being able to talk to him under circumstances in which he didn't know it was actually him, Elijah thanked the day he walked into the bookstore and met him. That he was able to maintain and control himself as he hung around Scott. Their meeting might just spark a flame in a fire that Elijah thought had lost its flame some time ago.

For a date --which he still find hard to say without his cheeks turning red-- he hadn't expect it would first be at the poetry night. Even though he was the one who suggested it, he felt he should've picked someplace else. He loved the place but he felt like he wouldn't have a chance to talk with Scott since they would mostly be listening and not interrupting the poet on stage.

If he would just be able to bask in the presence of Scott then that should be enough. Elijah fixed his hair once more, thinking it wasn't good enough in the pervious position. He'd went for simple brown khaki pants and a burgundy sweater. Elijah wanted to strip right down to his underwear and start all over but time didn't allow it. Did he look good? Was it too simple or flashy?. He gave himself a one over, sighing thinking he would have to make due with what he was wearing.

His eyes then settled on his face, should he ditch the glasses? Did it make him look like what they would say a 'nerd'? Elijah had always been told by people that he had memorizing blue eyes that he his behind his glasses. He didn't wear contacts so he didn't find it necessary to keep any. He could call Carly but she was likely trying to get a story done. He'll just have to stick with his glasses.

The sound of his phone ringing pulled him from his reverie. He walked over to his small desk that was now limited in papers and pen scattered around. Taking up the device, his breath was caught in his throat. Scott was calling him, his fingers slid over the answer button before he could think what to say.

"H-Hey Scott" Elijah said, slapping himself on the forehead as it didn't come out the way he wanted it to.

"Hey Elijah" the person replied, he let out a breath of relief when he realized it wasn't Scott and that he didn't have to hear his awkward answering of the phone. "Sorry to burst your bubble but this isn't Scott, its Maddie remember me?"

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