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"I would do anything to make you happy."

My head hurts, but most importantly...my heart.

Alyssa sat next to me, looking so beautiful in her sundress. She looks okay, not mad but also not happy. She's thinking about something.

She'd told mom about her decision over breakfast this morning. Claire and I highly disagree. But mom and dad, they were happy about it- the thought of having a grandchild. But they were also sad because it was hurting Alyssa even if she didn't show it.

"Alyssa, don't do this. Let Tom rot in prison." I put a hand over hers.

"It's okay, Bryce. I'm doing it for you and your parents. I am willing to do anything to make you happy." She smiles.

I can't really do anything with her heart condition. She's really an angel to me. I became a bad boy in high school when my first love left me then Alyssa transferred and we became highschool sweethearts. She made me feel happy.

I don't want to hurt her.

"You don't have to." I say.

"You're right. But I want to. Plus, it's just for 9 months. And it's Maria, she's my friend. I trust her." She says and looks out the car window.


"And where is Maria?" Alyssa asked when only Tom was present. His family nowhere to be seen.

"She'll be back, she had to run an errand with Risa and the others." Tom answered. "So what do you think about my deal?"

Mom stares at him while dad was rubbing his knuckles.

"I accept." Alyssa says straightforwardly.

We all look at her, Tom was surprised. "That was fast."

"But on some conditions." She continued. "Look, I'm making it easy for you, Mr. Abernathy. Because Maria is a close friend. She doesn't deserve this. Its all your doing. I'm willing to let Maria be the baby carrier for Bryce and I."

"I'm sorry."

"Anyway, Maria must stay at home with us. She gets to tell us when she is ready to do GIFT. She has 2 months to get ready. While she is there, you are to go find another job. You must send 1000 dollars. Don't think that while Maria is over there, you get to relax. No, you will work." Alyssa finished.

Mom adds. "Maria must not fall in love with Bryce. Maria must work at the mansion till she is ready for GIFT. As soon as the baby is delivered, she gets out. Then you're free from your debts."

Tom looks down, interested in the carpet. "Okay, I understand."

"But this deal will happen only if Maria accepts. If she doesn't, you rot in prison." I say finally.

I hope she does not accept.

As if on cue, the door opens and four sets of eyes settle on each of us.

Maria comes in and glares at me while I just watch her.


"We will be waiting for her arrival on Monday." Bryce told Dad while Alyssa came over to me.

"Choose Maria." She says. "I've done what I can."

I look at her, confused. The Hemsworth family finally left and I hug dad who looks guilty.

"So what's the good news and bad news?" Risa asked, sitting down across from us.

Dad looked unsure. "Good news is...I won't  go to prison anymore."

My siblings smiled in relief. I hold my breath for the bad news.

"...." Dad was quiet.

"Bad news?" I prod.

"You will be the baby carrier for Bryce and Alyssa Hemsworth." He said slowly.

I blink, not sure if what I heard was right. Please, no.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

Risa was startled.

"What?!" My siblings asked as well.

"...I made a deal..that you'd be the baby carrier and that I wouldn't go to prison anymore if you did. Alyssa-" Dad was cut off by Risa who seemed to be done with the conversation.

"That's great. We don't have to worry anymore." She says happily.

"I will not be the baby carrier!" I scream, heart beating fast.

Risa frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Then do you want me in prison?" Dad asked.

I shook my head. "Of course not, dad."

"Then be the Baby carrier. Simple, carry the fetus, deliver, and leave." Risa spoke.


"You said you'd help us anyway you can. You are a fine young girl, you can carry Bryce's baby.. Its also your job as the first daughter." Risa said like its that easy.

Dad looks at Risa madly. "Enough, Risa."

I can not be the carrier.

"Why me?" I question

"Because I will not send my Elaina to those rich pricks." She snapped.

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