Girl vs Game! (Based off CardlinAudio)

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(R.I.P Cardlin, he has to put the playlists back together cause his erotic vids disappeared or something)
(Brackets is just me talking.)
~Your POV~
He's on his PS4, playing Overwatch today. His eyes are stuck to the tv like a little kid.
"Alright, squeaker (me lol), you flank behind them while I use my ult on them." he said into his headset, why can't he just give me some affection?
"Cardlin, please just cuddle meeeee..." I whined,leaning on him with my head on his shoulder.
"Baby, (shit bout to go down when he calls you baby) please, I only have 1 more round on this. Just be patient." He replied, I,'hmph'ed and sat on the edge of the bed. I thought of a quick plan and slid my top off: I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, he turned around.
He's blushing!
"Babe! Put your top back on!" He stuttered, I felt hurt and backed away from him. My eyes were stinging with tears and I wiped them away quickly.
Suddenly, I heard him faintly say,"God, you look beautiful.." I smiled and giggled a little. Sneakily, (oh don't do it) I crawled up behind him and lightly brushed my hand against his crotch (oh mah god). He let a small whimper of pleasure (okay then). I could hear his teammates talking about it through his headset, and they started talking shit about him.
"No, I'm not jerking off." he scoffed.
(This next part isn't in the audio but nvm)
I grabbed the headset off his head, put it on my head and said,"If he were to fucking jerk off, it would be to me. Cause if any of you pricks make fun of my boyfriend, expect your PS4 to be smashed to pieces. " I said, angrily.
"Uhhh, I'm sorry, what did you say?" I heard of the people say sarcastically.
"Did I stutter?" I questioned sarcastically. I gave Cardlin back the headset and sat beside him. I was getting impatient now, I wanted the game to finish. Both teams were on 99%, with his team on overtime.

Finally, the game had ended and he went onto the home screen (if overwatch obvs). Suddenly, I was tackled by him while I was caught off guard.
" There, happy? It's finished. What do you wanna do?" He laughed, smiling all the while.
" Cuddles! " I whisper - shouted.
" Cuddles? Cuddles? Oh, you're getting more than just cuddles kitten~" he purred into your ear.
You blushed immediately, knowing what's going to happen next.
"Bring it on, bear~" I smirked.
(Why did it feel so weird writing this? Remembering that erotic memory obvs.)
Word count: 447

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