Important Note 2.

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I still can't stop crying.
I've locked myself in my room for the past two days and I was searching through twitter. I found the actor of Stephanie from Lazy Town's Twitter, and I found this post.

 I found the actor of Stephanie from Lazy Town's Twitter, and I found this post

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I broke down just from seeing how happy he is in that photo with her. I've been crying for about an hour or so and I'm still crying, I have blankets wrapped around me and I'm not going to leave my room until I have to.
I still remember his smile and song.
          You will still be number one.
You will stay as number one, you are the best man I've ever seen. I respect you, I love you and I will remember you forever. You will stay in my heart and mind.

I still won't update for a bit ..
I love you guys and I love Stefán.

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