After the War

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It was slient.

Every single country of the world was present to witness this hearing.

The Allies (including Canada) sat above all al the end of the room. They were all looking down at not just Germany, but Prussia too.

"Here we are again Germany," England said in a bitter tone.

Germany wasn't facing any of them. He was looking at his eldest brother who was.

He wish he knew how this was gonna end.

But he didn't.

And it was scary.

"Whatever are we going to do with you?" France said even harsher.

Basically all of his children around the room, including America and Canada who were right next to him, flinched. They never really heard their father's voice so harsh.

Germany even flinched at it swallowed hard. France wasn't really his number one fan since the whole....

You guys know this one........

Nazi Occupation.

"One world war and the debt from that just wasn't enough for you, was it now?" Russia smiled.

Prussia wasn't liking this, one bit. Could they just get this over with?

Yeah, he and his brother were war criminals but did they really have to stretch it out?

He should have done more. He should have found a way to reach his baby brother and get him to stop listening to that brainwashing manic.

"Can we get this over with?" Prussia snapped.

"As you wish," China finally spoke. He looked at England who started to speak.

"Austria and Italy have already received their punishments. But as for you Prussia, 4 out of the 6 of us have found it necessary to dissolve the country of Prussia. Your lands will be divided between Russia and Poland, who has had to endure much of the wrath of you during this terrible war."

England spoke with no emotion.

Liechtenstein buried her face in her hands, Switzerland tried to look calm. But was screaming on the inside. Austria's jaw dropped. Hungary covered her mouth in shock.

Prussia stood there stoned faced.

He wasn't going to break down. Not here.

Not now.

Nations around the room looked shocked. But the ones who had been captured by Germany and Prussia during the war had a poker face.

America and Canada looked at each other.

"Guys, there has to be another punishment," Alfred spoke, "Not this."

"Yeah," Canada agreed, "This is too far."

"Please mes fils," France put his hand up to silence his sons. "These two have to take responsibility for their terrible crimes."

England looked at the two and nodded, "It's true boys. Harsh crimes call for harsh punishments."

"But Iggy-"

"That's how it is, love," He said firmly but gently so America knew it was the end of discussion with his father. England went from a caring father to a harsh judge when he turned from America and Canada back to Germany and Prussia.

The twins once again looked at each other. They weren't really happy with Germany or Prussia for the war. But wouldn't wish this on one of them.

"NO!!!! NO!!!!" Germany yelled up to the six. "You can't do this!!! Not to my bruder!!!"

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