The Rio Pact

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It's now September of 1947. 

The past is a waste paper. The present is a news paper. The future is a question paper. So read and write carefully otherwise life will be a TISSUE PAPER.


Germany stood with Canada as they watched America, Mexico, South America, Panama, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, and Honduras and their reps sign the Rio Pact.

The Rio Pact basically was something that said, if Russia fucked with one of them. He messed with all of them and they were gonna bring a bitch down. 

And yeah.

After North and South America had thought about the idea and talked about it with each other. They brought it up with their bosses and spread word to the rest of the Western Hemisphere.

So here they were. 

He didn't know when the Rio Pact would be ratified but was glad that there was at least some precaution being taken with the Western Hemisphere for the USSR.

Once the ceremony (or meeting?) was over, the North and South American countries walked over to Canada and Germany. The Central American countries followed.

"Well guys," America said, "Now that, that's over. What should we do now?" He put his arm around his sister, Panama. 

Honduras shrugged, "Go celebrate?"

"It makes to do that after uniting against the enemy," Canada said. 

"Well Braz," Costa Rica turned to Brazil, "This is your country, lead the way."

Brazil wasted no time in running out the room, "Let's go!!!!"

The others had to start running to keep up with him. 

Even though at the moment, everyone was focused on keeping up with Brazil. Germany was focusing on the meeting that would happen in a few weeks. The one where he would explain his idea for keeping the rest of Europe safe.

"Nervous Luddy?" Ecuador, who was running next to him, asked. They had all noticed that Germany seemed extremely nervous all of the time after they had told him when the meeting would be.

He nodded, "How can I not?" He asked, "Most of the people there will be judging me."

"Maybe.... But you're giving most of them an idea to protect themselves and in the bosses' case, their countries, so they have to be nice."

"If everyone likes the idea," He sighed. 

"At the meeting they did," Ecaudor responded.

"But that doesn't matter unless their boss likes it."

"They'll like it, you're thinking too hard," Ecaudor smiled at him, "Don't worry. You'll sell it."


Weeks later


So here he was now. 

In Paris.

Wearing a tux. 

Standing with America and Canada and their bosses, about to head into the meeting room. Which was filled with European nations.

And their bosses and some reps. 

Germany took a deep breath, he had to breathe. He was only gonna be standing in front of many nations who had been affected by his war and their bosses.


Trying to give them a way to protect themselves from an enemy who was probably trying to conquer all of Europe. 

Yeah..... this was gonna be.... hard.

The twins both put a hand on one of his shoulders, "You ready Germany?" Canada asked.

"No," He shook his head, "But let's go in anyway."

America and a rep from Canada opened the double doors.

And they all walked in.

'Sell it', Germany thought, 'For the future of Europe, you have to sell it.'

 For the good and future of Europe, he had to do it.

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