72| the merinda warning

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Asanda | Jamie | Carly

"Jamie please stop. You're hurting me"

"That's the whole point isn't it pumpkin patch? To hurt you"


"Shut up. You talk to much."


"That's better-- how does the pain feel pumpkin patch? That's nothing compared to what you put me through"


"Ahh look at tha--"

[The sound of police sirens stops Jamie from talking any furthur and he turns to hatefully glare at Asanda]

"You betrayed me? Again? You're going to regret this. I assure you Asanda"

[He turns to hide himself in the bedroom when the police barge through the door and point a gun at him]

"Police freeze. Jamie Garret Brown. You are under arrest for kidnapping Asanda Lovett and holding her against her will in her own home. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to a lawyer and if you cannot afford it the state can offer you one"

"You're going to regret this Asanda"

"Miss. If you would come with us to the police station to fill out a statement for us that would be great"

"You're okay! You're okay Asa. I was so worried. I can't believe he gagged you"

"T-Thank you Carly. Thank you so much"

"I'm just happy you're safe and alive."


"... Look at you! You're hurt Asanda, we've got to get you to the hospital as in right now"


"You don't have to say anything else Asa. I called your parents, they booked a flight straight here and are on their way, now we're gonna go to the hospital and then the police station okay?"


"Shh. Its alright babe. You're okay now"

"He-He hurt me so bad"

"I know--_you're okay"

"I know--_you're okay"

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Well that is that. At least Jamie has been caught. Thank goodness. Also, sorry for my limited knowledge on these stuff.

Written: 16 April 2018
Published: 14 May 2020

---330 Words---

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